The Cobra Programming Language Version 0.0.3 Release Notes 2006-02-16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ See also: Cobra\ReadMe.text Cobra\Docs\License.text In this release: == Additions == * Added implicit variable declaration with type inference. You can write "i = 0" instead of "i as int = 0" And "for x = 1 .. 10" instead of "for x as int = 1 .. 10" * Added nullables for primitive types: int? char? etc. * Added if() expression: if(cond, tvalue, fvalue). Only one of tvalue or fvalue is evaluated. * Added branch statement (see Cobra\Tests\100-basics\400-branch.cobra) * Added list literals: [1, 2, 3] or [1, 'aoeu', x] etc * Added dict literals: {'x': 1, 'y': 2} or {key: value} etc * Added hard casting: "x to int" == Changes == * Changed numeric for loop since "to" is now used for casting: for x = 1 .. 10 print x * Mixing tabs and spaces in the indentation of one line causes an error. == Other == * The usual: More error checking, bugfixes and minor improvements. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------