The Cobra Programming Language Version 0.1.4 Release Notes 2006-08-26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ See also: Cobra\ReadMe.text Cobra\Docs\License.text Cobra\Docs\Introduction.text Work is continuing on implementing the Cobra compiler in Cobra. The improvements below reflect discoveries during this task. In this release: == Additions == * Added new --editor option to launch any text editor with the file and line number of the first compile-time error in a Cobra file. For example: cobra --editor=uedit32_FILE/LINE Foo.cobra Underscores are replaced with spaces and FILE and LINE are replaced with the filename and line number. * Added CobraCore.toTechString() which gives technical string conversion including contents of lists, string literals, etc. These are useful in debugging. This is the underlying routine for displaying values in super stack traces, but now you can use it directly as needed. == Changes and Minor Improvements == * Improved formatting/output of strings in the super stack trace including displaying the contents of lists (anything IList). == Fixes == * Fixed a problem where compiler error messages would not always include a filename (while they still included a line number). * Fixed a bug regarding the invoking of a base method with a different signature than the override. * Fixed a false compiler error when an interface declared a method with a return value. * Fixed a false compiler error regarding interface compatibility and class inheritance. * Fixed a bug that prevented the use of a qualified type (Foo.Bar) as a valid type for arguments. * Fixed a bug where the if-inherits statement did not work with qualified types (Foo.Bar). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------