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Re: Help test next version of MonoDevelop/Xamarin Studio add

PostPosted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 8:03 am
by nerdzero
Whew! Glad it's working. Thanks for trying it out.

Re: Help test next version of MonoDevelop/Xamarin Studio add

PostPosted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 3:43 am
by kobi7
wow, nerdzero, this is a really nice experience!!
today I took the time to write some pieces of code. And it feels good. Even after a long time break from programming.
thank you for taking the time and effort...
the productivity seems much higher in an IDE for me.
Feels like a different experience from using an editor and terminal.

btw, are the unit tests integrated also? or do you run them in an external window?

Thanks alot, and nice to return (I'm still figuring out if that's what I personally want :-)

Re: Help test next version of MonoDevelop/Xamarin Studio add

PostPosted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 7:55 am
by nerdzero
Thanks, kobi. For now, unit tests need to be run in an external window. What you can do though is setup a post-build action in your project options under "Build > Custom Commands" to run a script that runs your tests. Eventually, I want the ability run one or more tests from menu commands and also to get tests running in the background as you type with the status shown in a document outline or a separate testing pane. That would be cool I think.

Re: Help test next version of MonoDevelop/Xamarin Studio add

PostPosted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 2:44 am
by dsy73

I try to install the add-in for Cobra in Xamarin Studio but I have errors.

My setup:
- Windows 8.1 64 bits
- .NET Framework v4.0.30319
- gtk-sharp-2.12.22.msi
- XamarinStudio-4.2.1-1.msi (automatically updated to 4.2.2 build 2)
- (downloaded from cobra website)
- or or (from github)

My steps:
- Install GTK#
- Install Xamarin Studio
- Extract
- Go to cobra\source\bin folder
- install-from-workspace.bat -x86
- gacutil /l Cobra.Core => x86
- Extract
- Go to CobraBinding-master folder
- cobra -clr-platform:x86 install.cobra
- I have this error:
error: COBRA INTERNAL ERROR / ArgumentException / An item with the same key has already been added.
- Go to CobraBinding-svn (or CobraBinding-cleanup) folder
- cobra -clr-platform:x86 install.cobra
install.cobra(160): error: Cannot find a definition for "runAndCaptureOutput" in "c" whose type is "Process".

FYI, Msbuild is v4.0.30319

What should I do?
Get cobra from svn? Which changeset?


Re: Help test next version of MonoDevelop/Xamarin Studio add

PostPosted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 1:15 pm
by Charles
Yes, get Cobra from svn. Latest revision. That's the revision that we're going to pack up and release soon, so we need the testing. It's also the version that works with the IDE support.

Re: Help test next version of MonoDevelop/Xamarin Studio add

PostPosted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 1:21 pm
by nerdzero
Also, use the 'release-candidate' branch from GitHub: ...

Re: Help test next version of MonoDevelop/Xamarin Studio add

PostPosted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 3:15 pm
by dsy73
Thank you, it works. I can install the addin with Cobra-svn-3064 and I can build samples.

Re: Help test next version of MonoDevelop/Xamarin Studio add

PostPosted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 12:53 am
by thriwkin
It was quite easy to install the "precompiled package" of the addin by following the instructions given in the Wiki (

This is a great improvement compared to "installing from source" with the installation program "install.cobra", in which I always had to adapt the folder names, due to my non-english OS.

- Microsoft Windows NT 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3
- .NET CLR v4.0.30319
- Cobra svn:3068 (post 0.9.5) / 2013-12-16
- XamarinStudio-4.2.2-2.msi
- Cobra Language Binding 0.5

Re: Help test next version of MonoDevelop/Xamarin Studio add

PostPosted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 4:47 pm
by nerdzero
Great, thanks for reporting on the test results, guys.

Those instructions in the Wiki were supposed to be coordinated with the 0.9.5 release of Cobra but I jumped the gun a bit. Once we have an official build for 0.9.5 I'll rebuild the package. The one that is available should be working but the Cobra.Compiler.dll it is bundled with has an issue regarding optional params in initializers. It's already fixed in Cobra from svn but I'm just waiting for the official build this time before repackaging.

Re: Help test next version of MonoDevelop/Xamarin Studio add

PostPosted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 5:52 pm
by Charles
I've been trying to cut the 0.9.5 release, but have found a last minute problem each time. Hopefully I'm in the home stretch now. Shooting for a Monday morning public release (and a Sunday preview).