Informal Releases
Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 5:55 am
It will always be useful to have formal releases such as "0.8" and the upcoming "0.9", but it can also be useful to take snapshots of Cobra at various points and make those available. This will encourage more testing and feedback. It also gives users early access to features and fixes that may improve their productivity.
First of all, note that you can already get the latest Cobra via HowToInstallFromSource. But some people don't have Subversion and others may not be comfortable using "the latest" at what will essentially be a random point in time.
So I'm introducing "informal releases" which I think will happen 1 - 4 times a month. As these are informal, they do not come with polished packaging or finalized release notes. If an informal release is severely broken, it will not be fixed, but a new informal release made. I won't put a lot of time into these, otherwise they won't take place frequently. In fact, I've automated most of the work with a script.
Each informal release is stamped with its date such as 2009-03-01.
A big part of the picture is that I'll try to pick points in time when I think the repository is stable and there are interesting improvements over the last informal release.
Here is the first one:
I would appreciate it if someone would download this, install it and report the results back to here. I've tested on Mac and XP, but it could be a "works for the developer" package. Once I hear back, I can post this on the Downloads page and the front page.
And feedback on this new idea is welcome.
First of all, note that you can already get the latest Cobra via HowToInstallFromSource. But some people don't have Subversion and others may not be comfortable using "the latest" at what will essentially be a random point in time.
So I'm introducing "informal releases" which I think will happen 1 - 4 times a month. As these are informal, they do not come with polished packaging or finalized release notes. If an informal release is severely broken, it will not be fixed, but a new informal release made. I won't put a lot of time into these, otherwise they won't take place frequently. In fact, I've automated most of the work with a script.
Each informal release is stamped with its date such as 2009-03-01.
A big part of the picture is that I'll try to pick points in time when I think the repository is stable and there are interesting improvements over the last informal release.
Here is the first one:
I would appreciate it if someone would download this, install it and report the results back to here. I've tested on Mac and XP, but it could be a "works for the developer" package. Once I hear back, I can post this on the Downloads page and the front page.
And feedback on this new idea is welcome.