We don't currently have true LINQ in Cobra, although we have some analogous features such as "for expressions" that allow projection and filtering:
billable = for cust in customers where cust.balance > 0
names = for cust in customers get
billableName = for cust in customers where cust.balance > 0 get
These "for expressions" differ from LINQ in that they execute immediately and also are not available in an intermediate form to be translated to SQL, for example.
Among Cobra users, LINQ demand has been fairly low and, of course, prior to VS2008 the entire .NET community was working without LINQ. I haven't decided how high of a priority it is. I'm open to discussion and debate on the subject. If you have examples or stories you want to present, feel free.
On a related note, there are "any" and "all" operators that take anything enumerable and return "true" or "false".
I hope we have enough compelling features to interest you in taking a crack at using Cobra as it is right now. If so, I'm interested in your feedback.
Regarding real world projects, I have used Cobra on some of my contracting and I know another dev who created a game with it, although it's not clear to me if he'll be selling it or not. I think our small community's growth is at least partially hindered by:
-- Lack of Visual Studio integration. VS is very popular in the .NET world, of course.
-- Lack of non-.NET back-end. Some people don't want to be on .NET or even Mono and offering another back-end would attract a broader audience.
These are big tasks though, and I'm usually too busy with the main Cobra effort and earning a living to tackle them.
I'll be cutting a release soon which always bring another wave of users. I always hope for more volunteers out of that as Cobra is a pure open source project.
What op sys and tools would you be using Cobra with in your client work?
How did you hear about Cobra?