""" Languages have a special value to indicate "no object": Name Languages ---- --------- nil Cobra, Smalltalk, Objective-C null C#, Java NULL C, C++ None Python Nothing Visual Basic But Cobra's nil can only be applied when a type is "nilable" as indicated by a question mark suffix such as "String?". Cobra then enforces how nilable types are used with the upshot that run-time "null reference exceptions" almost never happen in Cobra programs. """ class Thing var _name as String # must be initialized var _alternateName as String? # can be left nil cue init(name as String) base.init _name = name pro name from var pro alternateName from var class Limits """ Tracks min/max limits which default to 0 and 10 respectively. """ shared var _defaultMin = 0 var _defaultMax = 10 var _min as int? # start life as nil var _max as int? cue init base.init get min as int if _min # checks for non-nil return _min else return _defaultMin get max as int # can use if-expression instead of if-statement return _max ? _defaultMax class ExampleCalls def printValue(v as Object) # note that this method won't take nil because the arg is "Object" not "Object?" print v def main th = Thing('two') th.alternateName = '2' th.alternateName = nil # no problem since .alternateName is a String? # th.name = nil # compiler error: cannot assign nil to non-nilable type .printValue(th.name) altName = th.alternateName # type inference determines that `altName` type is String? # .printValue(altName) # compiler error: cannot pass nilable type where non-nilable expected # two solutions: if altName # checks for non-nil .printValue(altName) # compiler understands this is okay else print 'alternate name is nil' # or typecast to non-nil ("x to !") for those times when you know the value will not be nil altName = 'Two' .printValue(altName to !) class MoreInfo def foo # you can also affect type inference by casting to nilable with "x to ?" value = 0 to ? # type is "int?" # you can return nil in an if-expression which makes the type nilable name = if(value and value <> 0, 'value', nil) # type is "String?" if name, print name # you can coalesce with ? as a binary operator displayName = name ? '(no name)' print displayName