use System.Text.RegularExpressions use Microsoft.Build.Framework use Microsoft.Build.Utilities from "Microsoft.Build.Utilities.v4.0" namespace Cobra.MSBuild extend StringBuilder def appendNilableArg(switch as String, arg as String?) """ Appends the provided swith and argument value if the value is not nil. """ if arg == nil, return if .length <> 0, .append(" ") .append(switch) if arg.contains(" "), arg = '"[arg]"' .append(arg) def appendBooleanArg(switch as String, arg as bool) """ Appends the provided switch and boolean argument. """ val = if(arg, "yes", "no") .appendNilableArg(switch, val) def appendArgs(switch as String, args as String[]?) """ If args is not nil, each argument in the array will be appended with the provided switch. """ if args == nil, return for a in args .appendNilableArg(switch, a) def appendResources(switch as String, args as ITaskItem[]?) """ If args is not nil, each resource in the array will be appended with the provided switch. """ if args == nil, return for resource in args path = resource.getMetadata("FullPath") name = resource.getMetadata("LogicalName") name ?= resource.getMetadata("FileName") if name <> nil and name.length <> 0 arg = '\\"[path]\\",[name]' else arg = '\\"[path]\\"' .appendNativeCompilerArg(switch, arg) def appendNativeCompilerArg(switch as String, arg as String?) """ Appends the given switch as an argument to the native back-end C# compiler. """ if arg == nil, return if .length <> 0, .append(" ") if arg.contains(" ") and not arg.startsWith('\\"') # surround argument with "quotes" arg = '\\"[arg]\\"' .append('-native-compiler-arg:"[switch][arg]"') class CobraCompiler inherits ToolTask """ An MSBuild task for invoking the Cobra compiler. """ #region ToolTask overrides get toolName as String is protected, override """ Gets the name of the executable file to run. """ cmd = CobraCommand.find if cmd <> nil return Path.getFileName(cmd.path) to ! return "cobra" def generateFullPathToTool as String? is protected, override """ Returns the fully qualified path to the Cobra command. """ cmd = CobraCommand.find if cmd <> nil return cmd.path if CobraCore.isRunningOnWindows return "C:\\Cobra\\bin\\cobra.bat" else return "/usr/local/cobra/bin/cobra" def generateCommandLineCommands as String is protected, override """ Returns a string value containing the command line arguments to pass directly to the executable file. """ args = StringBuilder("-compile") args.appendNilableArg("-back-end:", .backEnd) args.appendNilableArg("-clr-platform:", .platform) args.appendNilableArg("-clr-profile:", .clrProfile) args.appendBooleanArg("-copy-core:", .copyCore) args.appendNilableArg("-correct-source:", .correctSource) args.appendNilableArg("-debug:", .debug) args.appendBooleanArg("-delay-sign:", .delaySign) args.appendBooleanArg("-embed-run-time:", .embedRunTime) args.appendNilableArg("-embed-version:", .embedVersion) args.appendBooleanArg("-include-traces:", .includeTraces) args.appendBooleanArg("-keep-intermediate-files:", .keepIntermediateFiles) args.appendNilableArg("-key-container:", .keyContainer) args.appendNilableArg("-key-file:", .keyFile) args.appendArgs("-library-directory:", .libraryDirectories) args.appendNilableArg("-main:", .main) args.appendNilableArg("-namespace:", .rootNamespace) args.appendNilableArg("-native-compiler:", .nativeCompiler) args.appendNilableArg("-number:", .number) args.appendNilableArg("-out:", .outputAssembly.getMetadata("FullPath")) args.appendNilableArg("-target:", .target.toLower) # handle -turbo, -include-tests, -contracts, -optimize, etc. _generatePerformanceQualityArguments(args) # Remove explicit references to some standard .NET libraries and Cobra.Core, otherwise when Cobra tries to load # these we get the following error: # # error: CS1703: An assembly with the same identity "" has already been imported. Try # removing one of the duplicate references. # # I am not sure why this happens or if this is the "right" fix. if CobraCore.isRunningOnMono implicitLibs = {"mscorlib", "Cobra.Core", "System", "System.Core", "System.Xml", "Microsoft.CSharp"} else implicitLibs = {"mscorlib", "Cobra.Core", "System", "System.Core"} # TODO: What about explicit references to non-standard versions of these libs? refs = List(.references) for r in .references refName = r.getMetadata("FileName") if refName <> nil if refName in implicitLibs refs.remove(r) .references = refs.toArray for r in .references args.appendNilableArg("-reference:", r.getMetadata("FullPath")) if .cobraArgs args.append(" [.cobraArgs] ") # some compiler options can go straight to the back end args.appendNativeCompilerArg("/appConfig:", .applicationConfiguration) args.appendNativeCompilerArg("/baseaddress:", .baseAddress) args.appendNativeCompilerArg("/checked", .checkForOverflowUnderflow) # /checked+ or /checked- args.appendNativeCompilerArg("/doc:", .documentationFile) args.appendResources("/resource:", .embeddedResources) args.appendNativeCompilerArg("/filealign:", .fileAlignment) args.appendResources("/linkresource:", .linkedResources) args.appendNativeCompilerArg("/errorreport:", .errorReport) if .generateFullPaths, args.appendNativeCompilerArg("/fullpaths", "") if .modules <> nil modBuilder = StringBuilder() for m in .modules if modBuilder.length <> 0, modBuilder.append(";") modBuilder.append(m) args.appendNativeCompilerArg("/addmodule:", modBuilder.toString) args.appendNativeCompilerArg("/moduleassemblyname:", .moduleAssemblyName) args.appendNativeCompilerArg("/win32icon:", .win32Icon) # TODO: some of these manifest options are mutually exclusive. Do we care in this task? if .noWin32Manifest, args.appendNativeCompilerArg("/nowin32manifest", "") args.appendNativeCompilerArg("/win32manifest:", .win32Manifest) args.appendNativeCompilerArg("/win32res:", .win32Resource) args.appendNativeCompilerArg("", .nativeCompilerArgs) for s in .sources sourcePath = s.getMetadata("FullPath") if sourcePath.contains(" ") sourcePath = '"[sourcePath]"' args.append(" [sourcePath]") return args.toString shared var _compilerOutputRegex = Regex( _ r"(?[^\(]+)\((?\d+)(,(?\d+))?\):(\s)+(?error|warning)(\s)*:(\s)*(?[^\r]+)", _ RegexOptions.Compiled) def logEventsFromTextOutput(singleLine as String?, msgImportance as MessageImportance) is protected, override """ Parse error and warning messages from the Cobra compiler and log them with the correct line and column number (if applicable). """ if singleLine == nil return match = _compilerOutputRegex.match(singleLine) if match.success groups = match.groups fileName = groups["fileName"].toString if "Skipping duplicate message:" not in fileName lineNum = int.parse(groups["lineNum"].toString) columnNum = 0 if not int.tryParse(groups["columnNum"].toString, out columnNum) columnNum = 0 msgType = groups["msgType"].toString msg = groups["msg"].toString if msgType == "error" .log.logError(nil, nil, nil, fileName, lineNum, columnNum, 0, 0, msg, nil) else .log.logWarning(nil, nil, nil, fileName, lineNum, columnNum, 0, 0, msg, nil) else if "error:" in singleLine or "error :" in singleLine .log.logError(singleLine, nil) else if "warning:" in singleLine or "warning: " in singleLine .log.logWarning(singleLine, nil) #endregion def _generatePerformanceQualityArguments(args as StringBuilder) """ Handles all the Cobra options for contracts, asserts, tests, etc. """ if .performanceQualityOption <> nil perfQual = .performanceQualityOption.toLower if perfQual == "turbo" args.append(" -turbo") else if perfQual <> "default" args.appendNilableArg("-contracts:", .contracts) args.appendBooleanArg("-include-asserts:", .includeAsserts) args.appendBooleanArg("-include-nil-checks:", .includeNilChecks) args.appendBooleanArg("-include-tests:", .includeTests) args.appendBooleanArg("-optimize:", .optimize) #region Psuedo-parameters pro performanceQualityOption from var as String? """ Set via GUI, should be either "turbo", "default", or "custom". Allows the user to set individual options to contracts, asserts, tests, etc. """ pro cobraArgs from var as String? """ Other misc. arguments to pass to the Cobra compiler such as "-verbosity:1" """ pro sources from var as ITaskItem[]? """ The files to compile. """ #endregion #region C# compiler parameters # pro applicationConfiguration from var as String? """ /appConfig Specifies the location of app.config at assembly binding time. """ pro baseAddress from var as String? """ /baseAddress Specifies the base address for the library to be built. """ pro checkForOverflowUnderflow from var as String? """ /checked Causes the compiler to generate overflow checks. """ pro documentationFile from var as String? """ /doc Specifies an XML Documentation file to generate. """ pro errorReport from var as String? = "none" """ /errorreport Specifies how to handle internal C# compiler errors: prompt, send, or none. The default is none. """ pro fileAlignment from var as String? """ /filealign Each section will be aligned on a boundary that is a multiple of the /filealign value. There is no fixed default. If /filealign is not specified, the common language runtime picks a default at compile time. By specifying the section size, you affect the size of the output file. Modifying section size may be useful for programs that will run on smaller devices. Valid values are 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, and 8192. These values are in bytes. """ pro generateFullPaths from var as bool """ /fullpaths Causes the compiler to specify the full path to the file when listing compilation errors and warnings. """ pro moduleAssemblyName from var as String? """ /moduleassemblyname Specifies an assembly whose non-public types a .netmodule can access. """ pro noWin32Manifest from var as bool """ /nowin32manifest Instructs the compiler not to embed an application manifest in the executable file. """ pro pdbFile from var as String? """ /pdb Specifies the file name and location of the .pdb file. """ pro embeddedResources from var as ITaskItem[]? """ /resource Embeds the specified resource. """ pro linkedResources from var as ITaskItem[]? """ /linkresource Links the specified resource to this assembly. """ pro modules from var as String[]? """ /addmodule This option adds a module that was created with the target:module switch to the current compilation. """ pro win32Icon from var as String? """ /win32icon The /win32icon option inserts an .ico file in the output file, which is visible in the File Explorer. """ pro win32Manifest from var as String? """ /win32manifest Use the /win32manifest option to specify a user-defined Win32 application manifest file to be embedded into a project's portable executable (PE) file. """ pro win32Resource from var as String? """ /win32res The /win32res option inserts a Win32 resource in the output file. """ #endregion #region Cobra compiler parameters pro backEnd from var as String? = "none" """ -back-end[:none|clr|jvm|objc] default is none Specify the back-end of the compiler, possibly different than the build platform. Used for cross-compilation. """ pro platform from var as String? """ -clr-platform:PLATFORM Target a CLR binary to a platform such as x86, x64 or anycpu. """ pro clrProfile from var as String? """ -clr-profile:/PATH/TO/PROFILE Builds against a different CLR profile than the one the compiler was installed for. """ pro contracts from var as String? = "inline" """ -contracts[:none|inline|methods] default is inline Control treatment of code generation for contracts. """ pro copyCore from var = false """ -copy-core[:no|yes] default is no -cc Copy the Cobra.Core library to the same location as the resulting executable which will insulate the executable from newer Cobra installations. """ pro correctSource from var as String? = "none" """ -correct-source[:none|case|all] default is none -cs Rewrite source files with corrections, only when unambiguous. For example, "string" --> "String". If possible, you should set your editor to automatically reload files when using this option. """ pro debug from var as String? = "1" """ -debug[:0|1|pdbonly|full] default is 1 -d Turn on system debugging information. The value 1 implies full, which enables attaching a debugger to a running program. Turning this on explicitly implies -debugging-tips:no. """ pro delaySign from var = false """ -delay-sign[:no|yes] Delay-sign the assembly using only the public portion of the strong name key. """ pro embedRunTime from var = false """ -embed-run-time[:no|yes] default is no -ert Embed the Cobra run-time support code in the assembly so that no reference to an external Cobra.Core.dll is required. Approximately 85KB - 130KB overhead depending on other options such as -include-asserts or -turbo. """ pro embedVersion from var as String? """ -embed-version default is compiler-version Embed a version string in the generated assembly. If version is not explicitly given, embed the current Cobra compiler version Examples: -embed-version:1.0.0 -embed-version:compiler-version """ pro includeAsserts from var = true """ -include-asserts[:no|yes] default is yes Include assert statements in the program. """ pro includeNilChecks from var = true """ -include-nil-checks[:no|yes] default is yes Include checks on non-nilable class variables, method arguments and "to !" casts. """ pro includeTests from var = true """ -include-tests[:no|yes] default is yes Includes unit tests for classes and members in the output assembly. """ pro includeTraces from var = true """ -include-traces[:no|yes] default is yes Includes trace statements in the output assembly. """ pro keepIntermediateFiles from var = false """ -keep-intermediate-files[:no|yes] -kif Keeps any intermediate files that Cobra generates, which are normally deleted. Example intermediate files are *.cobra.cs. """ pro keyContainer from var as String? """ -key-container:FILE Specify a strong name key container used to strongname the output assembly. """ pro keyFile from var as String? """ -key-file:FILE Specify a strong name key file used to sign the output assembly. """ pro libraryDirectories from var as String[]? = nil """ -library-directory:PATH -lib Specify additional directories to search in for references. Maps to -lib: on .NET and -classpath on JVM. """ pro main from var as String? """ -main:TYPENAME Specify the type containing the "main" method, particularly when more than one type declaration has a "main" method. """ pro rootNamespace from var as String? """ -namespace -name-space, -ns Set the namespace for all Cobra source files as if each one started with "namespace ". Can be a qualified name. Example: -namespace:Foo.Bar """ pro nativeCompiler from var as String? = "auto" """ -native-compiler[:file-system-path] default is auto -sharp-compiler Specify the path to the back-end native compiler. This can be an executable (such as csc.exe or javac), a library (such as Cobra.Sharp.dll), "auto" or "provider". """ pro nativeCompilerArgs from var as String? """ -native-compiler-args:"arg1 arg2" -sharp-args Pass additional arguments to the native back-end compiler (such as C# or Java). """ pro number from var as String? = "decimal" """ -number[:decimal|float|float32|float64] default is decimal Set the real numeric type for both the "number" type and fractional literals such as "1.0". """ pro optimize from var = false """ -optimize[:no|yes] -o Enable optimizations. """ pro outputAssembly from var as ITaskItem? """ -out:FILENAME Specify output file name (default: base name of first file). -test overrides this with a temporary program that runs only the unit tests and is then removed afterwards. """ pro references from var as ITaskItem[]? """ -reference:Some.dll -ref Add a DLL reference. -pkg:NAME References package via "pkg-config --libs". (Mono only.) """ var _target as String? = "exe" pro target as String? """ -target:exe|winexe|lib|module -t Build a specific target. """ get if _target <> nil if _target == "library", _target = "lib" return _target set _target = value.toLower #endregion