use System.Text.RegularExpressions class AbstractLibPathProcessor is abstract """ Turns path specifications into actual paths that exist. Here is an example path specification: {ProgramFiles|ProgramFiles(x86)}\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\.NETFramework\{@latest} Which might come back as: C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\.NETFramework\v4.5.1 Path specifications may contain environment variables in curly brackets as well as {@latest}. Furthermore, multiple env vars can specified with a vertical bar and each will be checked. See FakeLibPathProcessor's tests for more examples. """ shared var _envVarRE = Regex(r"(?\{[\w\(\)\|]+\})", RegexOptions.Compiled) def pathFor(pathSpec as String) as String? paths = .pathsFor(pathSpec) return if(paths.count, paths[0], nil) def pathsFor(pathSpec as String) as List t = List() _pathsFor(pathSpec, t) return t def _pathsFor(pathSpec as String, paths as List) offset = 0 for match in _envVarRE.matches(pathSpec) if not match.success, continue group = match.groups['envVar'] if not group, continue if '|' in group.value for nameBranch in group.value[1:-1].split('|') pathSpecBranch = pathSpec[:group.index+offset] + '{' + nameBranch + '}' + pathSpec[group.index+group.length+offset:] _pathsFor(pathSpecBranch, paths) return envValue = _valueForVar(group.value[1:-1] to !) if envValue pathSpec = pathSpec[:group.index+offset] + envValue + pathSpec[group.index+group.length+offset:] offset = envValue.length - group.length if pathSpec.endsWith('{@latest}') pathSpec = pathSpec[:-'{@latest}'.length] if _directoryExists(pathSpec) latest as String? for fileName in _fileNamesInDirectory(pathSpec) if latest is nil or _compareVersions(latest to !, fileName) < 0, latest = fileName if latest, paths.add(Path.combine(pathSpec, latest).replace('\\/', '\\')) else if _directoryExists(pathSpec) or _fileExists(pathSpec) paths.add(pathSpec) def _compareVersions(a as String, b as String) as int is shared test cases = [ ['v5.0', 'v5.0.0', 0], ['5.0', '5.0.0', 0], ['4.0', '4.5', -1], ['4.5', '4.0', 1], ['4.5', '4.5.1', -1], ['4.5.0', '4.5.1', -1], ['1.10', '1.2', 1], ] for a, b, expected in cases answer = _compareVersions(a, b) assert answer == expected, [a, b] body try av = Version(_norm(a)) catch return a.toLower.compareTo(b.toLower) try bv = Version(_norm(b)) catch return a.toLower.compareTo(b.toLower) return av.compareTo(bv) def _norm(version as String) as String is shared count = version.count('.') if count > 0 if version.startsWith('v'), version = version[1:] if count == 1, version += '.0' # otherwise the Version class returns -1 for '5.0' compareTo '5.0.0' return version def _valueForVar(name as String) as String? is abstract def _directoryExists(path as String) as bool is abstract def _fileExists(path as String) as bool is abstract def _fileNamesInDirectory(path as String) as String* is abstract class FakeLibPathProcessor inherits AbstractLibPathProcessor test v = false cases = [ ['{ProgramFiles}', 'C:\\Program Files'], ['{PROGRAMFILES}', 'C:\\Program Files'], ['{PROGRAMFILES|ProgramFiles(x86)}', 'C:\\Program Files'], [r'{ProgramFiles|ProgramFiles(x86)}\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\.NETFramework\{@latest}', r'C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\.NETFramework\v4.5.1'], ['C:\\BadPath\\{@latest}', nil], ] libPathProcessor = FakeLibPathProcessor() for input, expected in cases if v print print 'input ', input print 'expected', expected answer = libPathProcessor.pathFor(input) if v print 'answer ', answer assert answer == expected def _valueForVar(name as String) as String? is override branch name.toLower on 'programfiles', return 'C:\\Program Files' on 'programfiles(x86)', return 'C:\\Program Files (x86)' else, return nil def _directoryExists(path as String) as bool is override if 'Reference Assemblies' in path return path.startsWith('C:\\Program Files (x86)') else if path in ['C:\\Program Files', 'C:\Program Files (x86)'] return true else return false def _fileExists(path as String) as bool is override return path.startsWith('v4.') def _fileNamesInDirectory(path as String) as String* is override yield 'v4.0' yield 'v4.5' yield 'v4.5.1' class LibPathProcessor inherits AbstractLibPathProcessor def _valueForVar(name as String) as String? is override return Environment.getEnvironmentVariable(name) def _directoryExists(path as String) as bool is override return Directory.exists(path) def _fileExists(path as String) as bool is override return File.exists(path) def _fileNamesInDirectory(path as String) as String* is override for fileInfo in DirectoryInfo(path).getDirectories yield