namespace Cobra.Core ## Exceptions about dynamic class DynamicOperationException inherits Exception """ The base class for all dynamic operation exceptions. """ cue init(message as String?) .init(message, nil) cue init(message as String?, innerExc as Exception?) base.init(message, innerExc) class CannotEnumerateException inherits DynamicOperationException pass class UnknownMemberException inherits DynamicOperationException var _obj as Object var _name as String var _type as Type cue init(obj as Object, name as String, type as Type) .init(obj, name, type, nil) cue init(obj as Object, name as String, type as Type, innerExc as Exception?) base.init('obj=[CobraCore.toTechString(obj)], name=[CobraCore.toTechString(name)], type=[type]', innerExc) _obj = obj _name = name _type = type class CannotReadPropertyException inherits UnknownMemberException pass class CannotWritePropertyException inherits UnknownMemberException pass class CannotSliceTypeException inherits UnknownMemberException pass class CannotInTypeException inherits UnknownMemberException pass class CannotCompareException inherits DynamicOperationException var _a var _b cue init(a, b) .init(a, b, nil) cue init(a, b, innerExc as Exception?) base.init('a=[a], b=[b]', innerExc) #base.init('a=[CobraCore.toTechString(a)], a.getType=[], b=[CobraCore.toTechString(b)], b.getType=[]', innerExc) _a = a _b = b ## Assertions, contracts, etc. class AssertException inherits Exception implements IHasSourceSite, HasAppendNonPropertyKeyValues has DetailedStackTrace(false) cue init(sourceSite as SourceSite, expressions as IList, thiss as Object, info as dynamic?) .init(sourceSite, expressions, thiss, info, nil) cue init(sourceSite as SourceSite, expressions as IList, thiss as Object, info as dynamic?, innerExc as Exception?) base.init('assert', innerExc) _sourceSite = sourceSite _expressions = expressions _this = thiss _info = info get this from var as Object get info from var as dynamic? get sourceSite from var as SourceSite get expressions from var as IList get message as String? is override nl = Environment.newLine sb = StringBuilder(nl) sb.append('sourceSite = [.sourceSite][nl]') sb.append('info = [.makeString(.info)][nl]') sb.append('this = [.makeString(.this)][nl]') i = indentLevel = 1 exprs = _expressions while i < exprs.count item = exprs[i] if item == +1 indentLevel += 1 i += 1 else if item == -1 indentLevel -= 1 i += 1 else source = item to String value = exprs[i+1] dirStr = value to? CobraDirectString valueString = if(dirStr, dirStr.string, .makeString(value)) sb.append(String(c' ', indentLevel*4)) sb.append('[source] = [valueString][nl]') i += 2 return sb.toString def makeString(obj as dynamic?) as String try s = CobraCore.techStringMaker.makeString(obj) catch e as Exception s = 'CobraCore.techStringMaker.makeString exception: ' + e.message return s def appendNonPropertyKeyValues(target as HasAppendKeyValue ) # Invoked by the Cobra Exception Report and CobraMain-ObjectExplorer-WinForms # By adding the expression breakdown as entries in the view, # object values will be clickable which will lead to their own detailed view. indentLevel = 0 target.appendKeyValue('expression breakdown:', Html('')) i, exprs = 1, _expressions while i < exprs.count item = exprs[i] if item == +1 indentLevel += 1 i += 1 else if item == -1 indentLevel -= 1 i += 1 else source = item to String value = exprs[i+1] target.appendKeyValue(String(c' ', indentLevel*4)+source, value) i += 2 def populateTreeWithExpressions(tree as ITreeBuilder) # Invoked by the Object Explorer, but any tool could use this by implementing ITreeBuilder. # By adding the expression breakdown as entries in the view, # object values will be clickable which will lead to their own detailed view. i, exprs = 1, _expressions while i < exprs.count item = exprs[i] if item == +1 tree.indent i += 1 else if item == -1 tree.outdent i += 1 else source = item to String value = exprs[i+1] tree.appendKeyValue(source, value) i += 2 class InvariantException inherits AssertException cue init(sourceSite as SourceSite, expressions as IList, thiss as Object, info as dynamic?) .init(sourceSite, expressions, thiss, info, nil) cue init(sourceSite as SourceSite, expressions as IList, thiss as Object, info as dynamic?, innerExc as Exception?) base.init(sourceSite, expressions, thiss, info, innerExc) class RequireException inherits AssertException cue init(sourceSite as SourceSite, expressions as IList, thiss as Object, info as dynamic?) .init(sourceSite, expressions, thiss, info, nil) cue init(sourceSite as SourceSite, expressions as IList, thiss as Object, info as dynamic?, innerExc as Exception?) base.init(sourceSite, expressions, thiss, info, innerExc) pro next from var as RequireException? class EnsureException inherits AssertException cue init(sourceSite as SourceSite, expressions as IList, thiss as Object, info as dynamic?) .init(sourceSite, expressions, thiss, info, nil) cue init(sourceSite as SourceSite, expressions as IList, thiss as Object, info as dynamic?, innerExc as Exception?) base.init(sourceSite, expressions, thiss, info, innerExc) class NonNilCastException inherits AssertException # it's unfortunate that we have to choose between inheriting AssertException or NullReferenceException cue init(sourceSite as SourceSite, expressions as IList, thiss as Object, info as dynamic?) .init(sourceSite, expressions, thiss, info, nil) cue init(sourceSite as SourceSite, expressions as IList, thiss as Object, info as dynamic?, innerExc as Exception?) base.init(sourceSite, expressions, thiss, info, innerExc) get message as String? is override return 'Cast to non-nil failed.[Environment.newLine][base.message]' ## Misc exceptions class ExpectException inherits Exception cue init(expectedExceptionType as Type, actualException as Exception?) base.init _expectedExceptionType = expectedExceptionType _actualException = actualException get expectedExceptionType from var as Type get actualException from var as Exception? get message as String? is override sb = StringBuilder() sb.append('Expecting exception: [], but ') if _actualException sb.append('a different exception was thrown: [_actualException]') else sb.append('no exception was thrown.') return sb.toString class FallThroughException inherits Exception cue init .init(nil) pass cue init(info as Object?) base.init _info = info cue init(info as Object?, innerExc as Exception?) base.init(nil, innerExc) _info = info get message as String is override return 'info=[CobraCore.toTechString(_info)]' get info from var as Object? class SliceException inherits SystemException cue init(msg as String?) base.init class UnpackException inherits Exception cue init(targetCount as int, sourceCount as int) .init(targetCount, sourceCount, nil) cue init(targetCount as int, sourceCount as int, innerExc as Exception?) base.init('Cannot unpack [sourceCount] values into [targetCount] targets.', innerExc) get targetCount from var as int get sourceCount from var as int