use System.Text.RegularExpressions class SubversionUtils """ Provides .readSubversionRevision method to read the revision of a subversion workspace from disk. Other possibilities include: svnversion command svn info -R | grep "Revision\:" | sort -k2nr | head -n1 ... from """ shared def readSubversionRevision(path as String, checkParentDirs as bool) as int? require path.length if not Directory.exists(path), throw FileNotFoundException('not found: [path]', path) return _readSubversionRevision(Path.getFullPath(path), checkParentDirs, 1) def _readSubversionRevision(path as String, checkParentDirs as bool, invocationCount as int) as int? if invocationCount > .maxInvocationCount, return nil # runaway recursion guard svnPath = Path.combine(path, '.svn') if not Directory.exists(svnPath) svnPath = Path.combine(path, '_svn') if not Directory.exists(svnPath) if checkParentDirs if Path.getPathRoot(path) == path return nil # no more parents to check else parent = Path.getDirectoryName(path) if parent is nil or parent == '', return nil return _readSubversionRevision(parent to !, checkParentDirs, invocationCount+1) else return nil revision = _readRevisionFromDb(svnPath) if revision, return revision revision = _readRevisionFromEntries(svnPath) if revision, return revision return nil def _readRevisionFromDb(svnPath as String) as int? # svn >= 1.7 dbPath = Path.combine(svnPath, 'wc.db') if File.exists(dbPath) maxVer = int.minValue fileBytes = File.readAllBytes(dbPath) fileText = Encoding.default.getString(fileBytes) re = Regex(r"/!svn/ver/(?'version'[0-9]*)/") for match as Match in re.matches(fileText) revInt, revText = 0, match.groups['version'].value if int.tryParse(revText to !, out revInt) and revInt > maxVer, maxVer = revInt if maxVer > int.minValue, return maxVer return nil def _readRevisionFromEntries(svnPath as String) as int? # svn < 1.7 # Reference: # entriesPath = Path.combine(svnPath, 'entries') if File.exists(entriesPath) revisionInt, revisionText = 0, '' using tr = File.openText(entriesPath) for i in 3, tr.readLine revisionText = tr.readLine.trim if int.tryParse(revisionText, out revisionInt) return revisionInt return nil const maxInvocationCount = 250 # CC: cannot have a 'const' under a 'shared' section