using Microsoft.Pex.Framework.Validation; using Microsoft.ExtendedReflection.Metadata; using Microsoft.Pex.Framework.Packages; using Microsoft.Pex.Engine.ComponentModel; using Microsoft.ExtendedReflection.Utilities.Safe.Diagnostics; using Microsoft.Pex.Engine.Exceptions; using Microsoft.ExtendedReflection.Utilities; using Microsoft.ExtendedReflection.Symbols; using System; [assembly: PexAllowedExceptionFromAssembly(typeof(System.ArgumentNullException), "TestProject1")] [assembly: Cobra.CobraAssumptionExceptionValidator] namespace Cobra { // Peli de Halleux said in an email: There's a bug in the version of the attribute that I sent you... // Currently I'm checking for multiple instance of require_ in the stack trace but more has to be done. // We can chat about this. 2008-01 public sealed class CobraAssumptionExceptionValidatorAttribute : PexExplorationPackageAttributeBase { protected override object BeforeExploration(IPexExplorationComponent host) { SafeDebug.AssumeNotNull(host, "host"); host.ExplorationServices.ExceptionManager.AddAssumptionExceptionValidator( new Validator(host) ); return null; } class Validator : IPexAssumptionExceptionValidator { IPexExplorationComponent host; public Validator(IPexExplorationComponent host) { SafeDebug.AssumeNotNull(host, "host"); = host; } bool IPexAssumptionExceptionValidator.IsAssumption(Exception ex) { SafeDebug.AssumeNotNull(ex, "ex"); // 1) must be a requires exception string trace; Type exceptionType = ex.GetType(); if (exceptionType == typeof(Cobra.Lang.RequireException) && ExceptionHelper.TryGetBestStackTrace(ex, out trace)) { StackTraceEx tx = host.Services.SymbolManager.ParseStackTrace(trace, true); bool globalsFound = false; for (int i = tx.Frames.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { StackFrameEx frame = tx.Frames[i]; if (frame.MethodName.StartsWith("require_")) { if (globalsFound) // already found? that's not good return false; globalsFound = true; } } return globalsFound; } return false; } } protected override void AfterExploration(Microsoft.Pex.Engine.ComponentModel.IPexExplorationComponent host, object data) { } } }