# .skip. * error if a subclass method that overrides an abstract method changes visibility (public, protected, etc.) * error if making a concrete property but not matching its canRead and canWrite class CA # error if marking a property or method abstract and the class is not def foo is abstract # .error. must be pro prop1 as int is abstract # .error. must be get set get prop2 as int is abstract # .error. must be set prop3 as int is abstract # .error. must be class CB is abstract # error if marking a non-method or property (no constructor or class var) var _x as int is abstract # .error. cannot cue init is abstract # .error. cannot pass class CC is abstract # error if "abstract" on a member that is a new, override, virtual or shared def one is new, abstract def two is override, abstract def three is virtual, abstract def four is shared, abstract class CD is abstract # error if body for an abstract member def foo is abstract print 'I can has cheezburger?' # .error. cannot class CE1 is abstract # error if no "override" or "abstract" in a subclass method of the same sig class CE2 inherits CE1 @@ two more at top