class Vehicle var _value as int cue init(value as int) base.init _value = value pro value from var get requireInBoth as int require .value>0 return _value get noRequireInBase as int return _value get noRequireInDerived as int require .value>0 return _value shared var _sharedValue as int pro sharedValue from var get sharedProperty as int require .sharedValue > 0 return .sharedValue class Car inherits Vehicle cue init(value as int) base.init(value) get requireInBoth as int is override or require .value==0 return _value get noRequireInBase as int is override or require .value > 0 body return .value get noRequireInDerived as int is override return .value shared get sharedProperty as int is new require .sharedValue == 0 return .sharedValue class Test def main is shared v = Vehicle(1) i = v.requireInBoth expect RequireException v.value = 0 i = v.requireInBoth c = Car(1) i = c.requireInBoth c.value = 0 i = c.requireInBoth expect RequireException c.value = -1 i = c.requireInBoth c.value = 1 i = c.noRequireInBase c.value = 0 i = c.noRequireInBase # because base is esesntially "require true" c.value = 1 i = c.noRequireInDerived expect RequireException c.value = 0 i = c.noRequireInDerived # base fails # multiple requirement failures: try c.value = -1 i = c.requireInBoth catch re as RequireException assert is not nil assert is nil # shared: # not that there really isn't any overriding with shared methods # the following tests confirm that Vehicle.sharedValue = 1 i = Vehicle.sharedProperty expect RequireException Vehicle.sharedValue = 0 i = Vehicle.sharedProperty Car.sharedValue = 0 i = Car.sharedProperty expect RequireException Car.sharedValue = 1 i = Car.sharedProperty CobraCore.noOp(i)