
{3} Active Tickets by Milestone (156 matches)

This report shows how to color results by priority, while grouping results by milestone.

Last modification time, description and reporter are included as hidden fields for useful RSS export.

Results (101 - 156 of 156)

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Milestone (36 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#319 Move to .Net 4.0: Cobra dynamic codegen should use 'dynamic' type Cobra Compiler 0.9.3 enhancement new 04/26/13
#320 Provide a tool to automate conversion of C# code to cobra code Cobra Compiler 0.9.3 task new 05/03/13
#321 Overload resolution needs improvement Cobra Compiler 0.9.3 defect new 05/14/13
#322 Support immutable/readOnly on class decl Cobra Compiler 0.9.3 enhancement new 05/14/13
#327 Move to .Net 4.0: Generate C# lambdas for Cobra lambdas (Codegen) Cobra Compiler 0.9.4 enhancement new 05/29/13
#328 Move to .Net 4.0: Support Co and ContraVariance Cobra Compiler 0.9.4 enhancement new 05/29/13
#329 Move to .Net 4.0: Generate C# Automatic properties and Object Initializers for Cobra property inits (codegen) Cobra Compiler 0.9.4 enhancement new 05/29/13
#331 Bind to C# extension methods Cobra Compiler 0.9.4 enhancement hopscc assigned 05/29/13
#332 Ref and Lib paths need some platform pattern for 32 vs 64 bit Frameworks Cobra Compiler 0.9.4 enhancement Chuck assigned 06/11/13
#333 Implementing ITestRunListener is a little awkward Cobra Compiler 0.9.4 defect new 06/18/13
#338 Cleanup codegen to minimise insertion of invariant/contracts boilerplate code Cobra Compiler 0.9.4 enhancement hopscc new 07/11/13
#339 Provide a nil safe dereference operator Cobra Compiler 0.9.4 enhancement Chuck assigned 07/11/13
#341 Require (some) binary operators to have spaces around them Cobra Compiler 0.9.4 enhancement new 07/12/13
#342 Cannot declare method overloads in mixins Cobra Compiler 0.9.4 defect new 07/18/13
#346 Cannot break out of a loop from within a branch Cobra Compiler 0.9.4 defect new 10/03/13
#348 Installer leaves root owned files Cobra Compiler 0.9.4 defect new 12/22/13
#350 Handle more forward references in `var` initialization expressions Cobra Compiler 0.9.6 enhancement new 01/03/14
#356 Preconditions for methods that return a stream are not checked Cobra Compiler 0.9.6 defect new 01/21/14
#357 Internal error for parameter named `result` Cobra Compiler 0.9.6 defect new 01/27/14
#359 Confusing interaction between Object? instance and bools Cobra Compiler 0.9.6 defect new 01/31/14
#361 Getters should always specify return types Cobra Compiler 0.9.6 defect new 02/01/14
#363 -turbo should default disable -dst (?) Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 defect new 02/10/14
#364 Cobra snapshot may have been compiled on .NET 4.5 and inadvertently introduced a dependency Cobra Compiler 0.9.6 defect new 02/11/14
#366 Compiling the same file twice Cobra Compiler 0.9.6 defect new 03/01/14
#368 Dynamic variables that are Arrays should support Indexing Cobra Compiler 0.9.6 defect new 04/24/14
#369 Assigning values to enums out-of-order does not work Cobra Compiler 0.9.6 defect new 05/02/14
#371 MSBuild Task: error if no assembly references in .cobraproj file Cobra Compiler 0.9.6 defect new 06/29/14
#372 MSBuild Task: a file "cobra" in the project directory causes and error on Windows. Cobra Compiler 0.9.6 defect new 06/29/14
#373 block comments extends to last commented line Cobra Compiler 0.9.6 defect new 07/14/14
#374 shared classes do not compile Cobra Compiler 0.9.6 defect new 07/15/14
#375 Confusing error message when omitting `as dynamic` Cobra Compiler 0.9.6 enhancement new 07/26/14
#376 Cannot use stream as paramter type if type name is fully qualified Cobra Compiler 0.9.6 defect new 07/28/14
#378 CIE by incomplete `StreamType` construction. Cobra Compiler 0.9.6 defect new 08/02/14
#379 enum of int8/uint8: translation wrong Cobra Compiler 0.9.6 defect new 08/05/14
#380 CIE caused by local var declaration "x as EnumType". Cobra Compiler 0.9.6 defect new 08/05/14
#381 Is this Language Dead? Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 idea Charles assigned 08/13/15

Milestone Cobra 0.9 (20 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#1 Extension methods and properties Cobra Compiler enhancement Chuck accepted 03/10/08
#42 Provide platform independent line terminator metacharacter in strings Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement Chuck assigned 09/18/08
#52 Provide a compile-time form that emits an expression's source and value Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement Chuck assigned 10/21/08
#55 Support command line format: cobra <progfile> <args> Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement new 10/28/08
#92 cue init Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement new 12/12/08
#93 cue finalize Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement new 12/12/08
#94 cue hash Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement new 12/12/08
#95 cue compare Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement new 12/12/08
#96 cue equals Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement new 12/12/08
#97 cue enumerate Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement new 12/12/08
#107 Syntactic relaxation: Type declaration clauses Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement Chuck accepted 12/21/08
#110 Infer generic arguments for generic method calls Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement new 12/21/08
#113 Scope out the rest of anonymous methods / closures Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement Chuck new 12/21/08
#120 Support verbatim string notation Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 idea Chuck assigned 01/04/09
#130 The compiler doesn't find the "closest" extension method Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 defect jonathandavid accepted 01/08/09
#146 bug when adding an extension method that is an overload of a BCL class Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 defect jonathandavid assigned 02/06/09
#152 Automatic library referencing from "use" does not always work Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 defect Chuck assigned 02/24/09
#153 Regression test problems re tests with CultureInfo assumptions Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 defect jonathandavid assigned 02/24/09
#286 Invoke delegate property compiler error Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 defect new 08/02/12
#370 Some MD/XS projects trigger a COBRA INTERNAL ERROR/FormatException Cobra Compiler 0.9.6 defect new 06/11/14
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