
{3} Active Tickets by Milestone (156 matches)

This report shows how to color results by priority, while grouping results by milestone.

Last modification time, description and reporter are included as hidden fields for useful RSS export.

Results (101 - 156 of 156)

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Milestone (36 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#49 Nested methods Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement new 10/17/08
#65 Suggest System.Text.RegularExpressions when appropriate Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement new 11/10/08
#79 Command line "resource" options Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement new 11/16/08
#80 Warn for poorly placed underscores in numbers Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement new 11/16/08
#81 Library: Operating system sniffer Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement new 11/16/08
#99 Implement contracts with Microsoft code contracts Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement new 12/15/08
#115 Support StringBuilder as a target for "print to X, ..." Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement Chuck assigned 12/23/08
#118 Improve error message for generic type names that are missing "of" Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement new 01/01/09
#123 support for property with different access modifier visibility Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement new 01/05/09
#144 Add units of measurement Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement new 02/04/09
#145 complete the collection of string.split extension methods Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement jonathandavid accepted 02/05/09
#149 Simplifying internal class VariType Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement jonathandavid accepted 02/10/09
#172 Provide an interactive mode for Cobra (REPL) Cobra Compiler enhancement new 07/23/09
#179 support shared access modifier on class definitions Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement Chuck assigned 09/29/09
#193 Extension to HowTo/29[02]* to include shell sort Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement Chuck assigned 01/19/10
#230 make "a = []" do the right thing when a is of a known type Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement Chuck assigned 07/31/10
#269 Add Enum handling features Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement new 12/11/10
#282 Useful compile error (when misusing generics) Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement new 12/16/11
#300 allow to chain a few exceptions with a single body Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement new 10/28/12
#305 Add restrictions for underscores in numeric literals Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement new 11/07/12
#315 cobra support multiple return values Cobra Compiler 0.9.3 enhancement Chuck assigned 01/20/13
#319 Move to .Net 4.0: Cobra dynamic codegen should use 'dynamic' type Cobra Compiler 0.9.3 enhancement new 04/26/13
#322 Support immutable/readOnly on class decl Cobra Compiler 0.9.3 enhancement new 05/14/13
#328 Move to .Net 4.0: Support Co and ContraVariance Cobra Compiler 0.9.4 enhancement new 05/29/13
#350 Handle more forward references in `var` initialization expressions Cobra Compiler 0.9.6 enhancement new 01/03/14
#246 warn on overwriting variable as a for loop's variable Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement new 08/14/10
#279 Warn about unused method's argument Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement Charles assigned 05/31/11
#375 Confusing error message when omitting `as dynamic` Cobra Compiler 0.9.6 enhancement new 07/26/14
#381 Is this Language Dead? Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 idea Charles assigned 08/13/15
#229 -files: could use more power Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 idea new 07/31/10
#278 implanting Doc-strings inside Attributes to keep them in code to be readily assesed while programming Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 idea Charles new 03/10/11
#18 CodeDom Support Cobra IDE: Miscellaneous 0.8.0 task new 05/08/08
#19 Create a .msi installer Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 task new 05/11/08
#320 Provide a tool to automate conversion of C# code to cobra code Cobra Compiler 0.9.3 task new 05/03/13
#24 Create a DLR backend Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 task new 07/03/08
#135 misleading/non consistent warning message when assigning result of void returning method Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 task new 01/13/09

Milestone Cobra 0.9 (20 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#130 The compiler doesn't find the "closest" extension method Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 defect jonathandavid accepted 01/08/09
#152 Automatic library referencing from "use" does not always work Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 defect Chuck assigned 02/24/09
#153 Regression test problems re tests with CultureInfo assumptions Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 defect jonathandavid assigned 02/24/09
#370 Some MD/XS projects trigger a COBRA INTERNAL ERROR/FormatException Cobra Compiler 0.9.6 defect new 06/11/14
#146 bug when adding an extension method that is an overload of a BCL class Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 defect jonathandavid assigned 02/06/09
#286 Invoke delegate property compiler error Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 defect new 08/02/12
#1 Extension methods and properties Cobra Compiler enhancement Chuck accepted 03/10/08
#55 Support command line format: cobra <progfile> <args> Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement new 10/28/08
#92 cue init Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement new 12/12/08
#93 cue finalize Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement new 12/12/08
#94 cue hash Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement new 12/12/08
#95 cue compare Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement new 12/12/08
#96 cue equals Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement new 12/12/08
#97 cue enumerate Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement new 12/12/08
#107 Syntactic relaxation: Type declaration clauses Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement Chuck accepted 12/21/08
#113 Scope out the rest of anonymous methods / closures Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement Chuck new 12/21/08
#42 Provide platform independent line terminator metacharacter in strings Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement Chuck assigned 09/18/08
#52 Provide a compile-time form that emits an expression's source and value Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement Chuck assigned 10/21/08
#110 Infer generic arguments for generic method calls Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement new 12/21/08
#120 Support verbatim string notation Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 idea Chuck assigned 01/04/09
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