
{8} Active Tickets, Mine first (156 matches)

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Results (101 - 156 of 156)

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Active Tickets (56 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Milestone Type Owner Status Created
#272 Support generic declaration of sig (delegate) Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement new 01/16/11
#275 More support for Java BackEnd Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement hopscc assigned 02/11/11
#281 Correct cobra rtl String.count consistent with .Net Collections/Linq Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement Chuck assigned 08/04/11
#290 Add DefaultDictionary.cobra to Cobra.Core Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement new 08/05/12
#312 Support some form of conditional compilation Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement Chuck assigned 01/08/13
#327 Move to .Net 4.0: Generate C# lambdas for Cobra lambdas (Codegen) Cobra Compiler 0.9.4 enhancement new 05/29/13
#329 Move to .Net 4.0: Generate C# Automatic properties and Object Initializers for Cobra property inits (codegen) Cobra Compiler 0.9.4 enhancement new 05/29/13
#332 Ref and Lib paths need some platform pattern for 32 vs 64 bit Frameworks Cobra Compiler 0.9.4 enhancement Chuck assigned 06/11/13
#338 Cleanup codegen to minimise insertion of invariant/contracts boilerplate code Cobra Compiler 0.9.4 enhancement hopscc new 07/11/13
#339 Provide a nil safe dereference operator Cobra Compiler 0.9.4 enhancement Chuck assigned 07/11/13
#341 Require (some) binary operators to have spaces around them Cobra Compiler 0.9.4 enhancement new 07/12/13
#42 Provide platform independent line terminator metacharacter in strings Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 Cobra 0.9 enhancement Chuck assigned 09/18/08
#52 Provide a compile-time form that emits an expression's source and value Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 Cobra 0.9 enhancement Chuck assigned 10/21/08
#110 Infer generic arguments for generic method calls Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 Cobra 0.9 enhancement new 12/21/08
#6 Add class methods Cobra Compiler 0.7.4 enhancement new 04/13/08
#8 Use of old For statement should generate a deprecation warning Cobra Compiler 0.7.4 enhancement Chuck assigned 04/23/08
#23 Invoke DLR during dynamic binding Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement new 07/03/08
#29 Support other types of integer literals, and underscores Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement Chuck assigned 07/13/08
#39 Infer types for method references Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement Chuck assigned 08/25/08
#49 Nested methods Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement new 10/17/08
#65 Suggest System.Text.RegularExpressions when appropriate Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement new 11/10/08
#79 Command line "resource" options Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement new 11/16/08
#80 Warn for poorly placed underscores in numbers Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement new 11/16/08
#81 Library: Operating system sniffer Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement new 11/16/08
#99 Implement contracts with Microsoft code contracts Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement new 12/15/08
#115 Support StringBuilder as a target for "print to X, ..." Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement Chuck assigned 12/23/08
#118 Improve error message for generic type names that are missing "of" Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement new 01/01/09
#123 support for property with different access modifier visibility Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement new 01/05/09
#144 Add units of measurement Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement new 02/04/09
#145 complete the collection of string.split extension methods Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement jonathandavid accepted 02/05/09
#149 Simplifying internal class VariType Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement jonathandavid accepted 02/10/09
#172 Provide an interactive mode for Cobra (REPL) Cobra Compiler enhancement new 07/23/09
#179 support shared access modifier on class definitions Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement Chuck assigned 09/29/09
#193 Extension to HowTo/29[02]* to include shell sort Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement Chuck assigned 01/19/10
#230 make "a = []" do the right thing when a is of a known type Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement Chuck assigned 07/31/10
#269 Add Enum handling features Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement new 12/11/10
#282 Useful compile error (when misusing generics) Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement new 12/16/11
#300 allow to chain a few exceptions with a single body Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement new 10/28/12
#305 Add restrictions for underscores in numeric literals Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement new 11/07/12
#315 cobra support multiple return values Cobra Compiler 0.9.3 enhancement Chuck assigned 01/20/13
#319 Move to .Net 4.0: Cobra dynamic codegen should use 'dynamic' type Cobra Compiler 0.9.3 enhancement new 04/26/13
#322 Support immutable/readOnly on class decl Cobra Compiler 0.9.3 enhancement new 05/14/13
#328 Move to .Net 4.0: Support Co and ContraVariance Cobra Compiler 0.9.4 enhancement new 05/29/13
#350 Handle more forward references in `var` initialization expressions Cobra Compiler 0.9.6 enhancement new 01/03/14
#246 warn on overwriting variable as a for loop's variable Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement new 08/14/10
#279 Warn about unused method's argument Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 enhancement Charles assigned 05/31/11
#375 Confusing error message when omitting `as dynamic` Cobra Compiler 0.9.6 enhancement new 07/26/14
#381 Is this Language Dead? Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 idea Charles assigned 08/13/15
#120 Support verbatim string notation Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 Cobra 0.9 idea Chuck assigned 01/04/09
#229 -files: could use more power Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 idea new 07/31/10
#278 implanting Doc-strings inside Attributes to keep them in code to be readily assesed while programming Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 idea Charles new 03/10/11
#18 CodeDom Support Cobra IDE: Miscellaneous 0.8.0 task new 05/08/08
#19 Create a .msi installer Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 task new 05/11/08
#320 Provide a tool to automate conversion of C# code to cobra code Cobra Compiler 0.9.3 task new 05/03/13
#24 Create a DLR backend Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 task new 07/03/08
#135 misleading/non consistent warning message when assigning result of void returning method Cobra Compiler 0.8.0 task new 01/13/09
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