Compiler directives are options, instructions, hints provided to compiler[[BR]] from with in code files. especially in cobra they are much more than[[BR]] #define,#if of c,c++,c#. In cobra one can pass arguments to compiler[[BR]] from within code file. which otherwise needs to be passed from commandline.[[BR]] various cobra Compiler directives are[[BR]] @args[[BR]] @number[[BR]] @ref[[BR]] @help[[BR]][[BR]] [[BR]] [[BR]] [[BR]] '''@args'''[[BR]] 1) @args -t:winexe [[BR]] is a example of specifing that current assembly shouldbe compiled as[[BR]] Windows Executable[[BR]] 2) @args -lib:'C:\Program Files\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\v3.0' is a example of specifing search directory for assemblies by cobra compiler to find the referenced assemblies.[[BR]] [[BR]] [[BR]] [[BR]] '''@ref'''[[BR]] 1)@ref "PresentationFramework"[[BR]] is a example of referencing "PresentationFramework" assembly from GAC which [[BR]] would otheriwse have been -ref:"PresentationFramework" on commandline[[BR]] 2) @ref 'c:\somedirectory\validAssembly.exe'[[BR]] 3) @ref 'c:\somedirectory\validAssembly.dll'[[BR]] above two examples reference assemblies by giving absolute paths for both .exe and .dll[[BR]] [[BR]] [[BR]] [[BR]] '''@help'''[[BR]] 1) [[BR]] [[BR]] [[BR]] [[BR]] '''@number'''[[BR]] 1)