If a project is strongly related to Cobra because it is implemented in Cobra or about Cobra, then post it at RelatedProjects. Otherwise, post .NET and Mono projects here. * Platforms * NovellMono * Testing * GallioFramework / !MbUnit * [wiki:NUnitFramework] * [http://www.errorunit.com ErrorUnit] * Lightweight Markup * MarkdownSharp * Web Frameworks * [http://www.asp.net/mvc/ ASP.NET MVC] * FubuMvc * KayakWebServer * ManosFramework * MonoRail * SharpWebServer * SpringFramework * See also: WebDevelopment * Templating / Views * [wiki:NHaml] * SharpWebServer has haml-like templates * SparkViewEngine * GUI Frameworks * GtkLibrary * MonoMac * WinForms * XwtLibrary * [wiki:Qyoto] * [wiki:WX.Net] * [http://sourceforge.net/projects/twolayeredgui/ Two Layered GUI] * CocoaSharp * [https://github.com/picoe/Eto Eto.Forms] * Game Frameworks etc * MonoGame * [wiki:SFMLFramework] * TaoFramework * SdlFramework * VortexFramework * [wiki:OpenTK] (low level graphics, audio, etc.) * [http://sharpdx.org/ SharpDX] * "Business" Frameworks * [http://www.lhotka.net/cslanet/ CSLA.NET], [http://csla.kozul.info/ ActiveObjects] * [http://www.chillisoft.co.za/habanero/ Habanero] * Object Relational Mappers (ORM) * [http://dataobjects.net/ DataObjects.NET] * [http://www.codeplex.com/euss/ EUSS] * [http://www.chillisoft.co.za/habanero Habanero] * [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IBATIS iBATIS] * [http://www.google.com/search?q=linq2sql Linq2Sql] * [http://www.llblgen.com/ LLBLGen] * [http://nhforge.org/ NHibernate] and [http://fluentnhibernate.org/ Fluent NHibernate] * [http://www.castleproject.org/activerecord/ Castle ActiveRecord] * [http://www.subsonicproject.com/ SubSonic] * Misc Libraries * [http://bitbucket.org/webnov8/banter/wiki/Home Banter] an IRC library * [http://bitbucket.org/webnov8/overlap/wiki/Home Overlap] a SCGI, WSGI, and FastCGI webserver interface * [http://bitbucket.org/webnov8/sonny/wiki/Home Sonny] a JSON library * [http://www.xml-rpc.net/ XML-RPC.NET] * DotNetToolsList See also: RelatedProjects, [wiki:GUIDevelopment], DotNet, NovellMono, WebDevelopment, LibraryTopics