= Editor Support for Cobra = Using an ordinary editor can be a fast way to get started with Cobra. See [http://cobra-language.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1146#p5587 ObuseAngle's post]. You are more than welcome to add support for your favorite text editor here in the wiki. You can upload a configuration file using the "Attach File" button on the bottom of the page. But please attach files to the wiki page of the editor in question, not this page. See EditorSupportTips. * ContinuumIde * [wiki:Editra] * EmacsSupport * [wiki:ETextEditor] * FraiseEditor * [GtkEditors gedit] * GtkEditors * [wiki:jEditSupport] * [MicroEmacs MicroEmacsSupport] * [wiki:Notepad++] * [wiki:PN Programmer's Notepad] * [wiki:PSPad] * [wiki:SciTE] * [GtkEditors scribes] * SharpDevelop * [wiki:SublimeText Sublime Text 2] * TextMate * UltraEditSupport * VimSupport == Other Tool Support == * ExuberantCtags * PygmentsHighlighter == See Also == * [wiki:IDESupport] * RelatedProjects * [wiki: Back to WikiStart]