= Gtk Library = See http://www.mono-project.com/GtkSharp, the Gtk# library is a Graphical User Interface toolkit for mono and .NET. == Illustrations == * GtkSimpleWindow: a GUI "hello world" * [http://cobra-language.com/how-to/GTK/ How To/GTK Example]: toggle buttons * GtkBoxPacking: using HBox/VBox * GtkSimpleWidgets: using different kinds of buttons * GtkMenus: creating menus * GtkStaticWidgets: labels and separators == To Do == * How to get and use GtkSourceView * How to get and use MonoTextEditor == See Also == * [http://www.zetcode.com/tutorials/gtksharptutorial/ GTK# Tutorial] * [http://code.google.com/p/holly-gtk-widgets/ Holly Widgets] * [http://projects.gnome.org/tomboy/ Tomboy] - can serve as an example app, albeit in C# * [wiki:Qyoto] * DotNetProjects * LibraryTopics