= Literals = Cobra provides a convenient way to specify literals for initializing standard collections and [[BR]] explicitly setting the types (size and sign) for numeric literals. == List Literals == Dynamically sized heterogenous content data structures. List contents are comma separated, collection is [] delimited. Empty list is [] e.g {{{ #!cobra names = [ 'mike', 'gary', 'pat', 'bruce', 'paul'] # List heads = [3,1,1,1,1] # List if name in [ 'fred', 'george', 'bill' ] myList=[] myList.add('1th') }}} == !Map/Dictionary Literals == Also known as associative arrays or Dictionaries (Dicts).[[BR]] Key and value is colon separated, each entry comma separated, collection is {} delimited. empty map is {:}. e.g. {{{ #!cobra nameId = { 'mike':10110, 'gary':21003, 'paul':32289 } # Dictionary assert nameId['mike'] == 10110 order = { 0:'mike', 1:'bruce', 2:'gary', 3:'pat' } # Dictionary mmap = {:} mmap['top'] = 99 }}} == Set Literals == Unordered hashed collection of unique items optimized for membership testing and set operations. Values are comma separated, collection is {} delimited. Empty set is {}. e.g. {{{ #!cobra names= {'gary', 'mike', 'bruce', 'paul'} assert names.intersection({'gary', 'paul'} == {'gary', 'paul'} assert not names.isSuperSetOf({'paula'}) collisions={} collisions.add(toyota) }}} == Array Literals == Statically sized homogenous content data structure. Values are comma separated, collection is [] delimited with an '@' prefix. Empty array is @[] e.g {{{ #!cobra names = @[ 'mike', 'gary', 'pat', 'bruce', 'paul'] # String[] or Array heads = @[3,1,1,1,1] # int[] or Array heads[4] = 3 }}} Lists are probably easier to use and more flexible but for some purposes arrays have better performance. == Numeric Literals == Non explicitly typed numeric literals are typed to Decimal by default.[[BR]] This can be overidden by the compiler '''-number''' commandline switch or '''@number''' compiler directive. Explicitly typed numeric literals can be specified by suffixing the numeric literal with a type and size specification ( with an optional leading '_'). Types are - u - unsigned int - i - signed int - d - decimal - f - float Sizes are - for int 8, 16, 32, 64 - for float 32, 64 as in {{{ #!cobra d = 123 # default (Decimal) d = 123.4d ii = 123i # integer (default size) 32 bits # same as ii = 123 to int j = 123_i16 # signed 16 bit k = 32u8 # unsigned 8 bit == Byte l = 879289992978_i64 # signed 64 bit f = 1327.3_f # float (default size 64) f1 = 97.3f32 # or f1 = 97.3_f32 }}} == String and Char Literals == See [wiki:Strings] [wiki:LanguageTopics Back to LanguageTopics]