= Method Invocation = TODO Class Creation * Instance creation calls the matching class initializer ( matches on arglist and types) * !ClassName() - no args * !ClassName( arg,arg,....) Class Methods * call as instance.methodName(args, arg, arg...) * Methods without params dont require trailing empty () - instance.methodName * Methods declared without return type have void returnType, cannot be assigned to anything Method references * ref methodName - Obtain a method reference, * pass to listen/ignore statement or store in a variable of the appropriate type ( sig - method Signature) * call/invoke using variable name with () following enclosing arglist * even if no args requires () * example: Anon !Methods/Closures * Captures any local variables in calling scope if used in anon method * 'do' keyword * anon method/closure code indented on following lines * do * anon method code * do(param, param...) * anon method code Lambda * one line (one expression) anon method * do = EXPR * do(