== To Do == * -turbo * using Stopwatch * profilers * benchmarks * avoid when possible: slicing, dynamic, exceptions, i/o * don't optimize if you don't need to, root of all evil == Example == From the discussion thread in the forums (Why so slow?), some modified versions of the code are available for comparison: * With Python 3.6.0, running against a slightly modified version (for tracking time) with 50,000 loops yielded a run-time of 0.66819638 seconds. * An initial port (which included substantial refactoring to identify the cause of the different final results) with 50,000 loops yielded a run-time of 98.284 seconds * After numerous attempts at speed improvement, the cobra code was sped up to a run-time of 0.057 seconds (or 11x faster than python, or 1,724x faster than original implementation. Some of the strategies attempting are listed below and whether they yielded much of a performance change: * Made sure the the for loop variables had explicit types: yielded 33x improvement * Used float instead of decimal: yielded 7x improvement * Using multiplication instead of division: yielded 1.2x improvement * Converted Math.pow to Math.sqrt for square roots: yielded 1.05x improvement * Moved variable declarations into function-level scope: NO IMPROVEMENT * Replaced properties with public fields: 1.6x improvement == Discussions == Here are some select discussions on performance: * [http://cobra-language.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=700 Why so slow?] 2010-12 * [http://cobra-language.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=692 Cobra vs Python - speed] 2010-11 ---- *Python Code:* {{{ # The Computer Language Benchmarks Game # http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/ # # originally by Kevin Carson # modified by Tupteq, Fredrik Johansson, and Daniel Nanz # modified by Maciej Fijalkowski # 2to3 import sys def combinations(l): result = [] for x in range(len(l) - 1): ls = l[x+1:] for y in ls: result.append((l[x],y)) return result PI = 3.14159265358979323 SOLAR_MASS = 4 * PI * PI DAYS_PER_YEAR = 365.24 BODIES = { 'sun': ([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], SOLAR_MASS), 'jupiter': ([4.84143144246472090e+00, -1.16032004402742839e+00, -1.03622044471123109e-01], [1.66007664274403694e-03 * DAYS_PER_YEAR, 7.69901118419740425e-03 * DAYS_PER_YEAR, -6.90460016972063023e-05 * DAYS_PER_YEAR], 9.54791938424326609e-04 * SOLAR_MASS), 'saturn': ([8.34336671824457987e+00, 4.12479856412430479e+00, -4.03523417114321381e-01], [-2.76742510726862411e-03 * DAYS_PER_YEAR, 4.99852801234917238e-03 * DAYS_PER_YEAR, 2.30417297573763929e-05 * DAYS_PER_YEAR], 2.85885980666130812e-04 * SOLAR_MASS), 'uranus': ([1.28943695621391310e+01, -1.51111514016986312e+01, -2.23307578892655734e-01], [2.96460137564761618e-03 * DAYS_PER_YEAR, 2.37847173959480950e-03 * DAYS_PER_YEAR, -2.96589568540237556e-05 * DAYS_PER_YEAR], 4.36624404335156298e-05 * SOLAR_MASS), 'neptune': ([1.53796971148509165e+01, -2.59193146099879641e+01, 1.79258772950371181e-01], [2.68067772490389322e-03 * DAYS_PER_YEAR, 1.62824170038242295e-03 * DAYS_PER_YEAR, -9.51592254519715870e-05 * DAYS_PER_YEAR], 5.15138902046611451e-05 * SOLAR_MASS) } SYSTEM = list(BODIES.values()) PAIRS = combinations(SYSTEM) def advance(dt, n, bodies=SYSTEM, pairs=PAIRS): for i in range(n): for (([x1, y1, z1], v1, m1), ([x2, y2, z2], v2, m2)) in pairs: dx = x1 - x2 dy = y1 - y2 dz = z1 - z2 mag = dt * ((dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz) ** (-1.5)) b1m = m1 * mag b2m = m2 * mag v1[0] -= dx * b2m v1[1] -= dy * b2m v1[2] -= dz * b2m v2[0] += dx * b1m v2[1] += dy * b1m v2[2] += dz * b1m for (r, [vx, vy, vz], m) in bodies: r[0] += dt * vx r[1] += dt * vy r[2] += dt * vz def report_energy(bodies=SYSTEM, pairs=PAIRS, e=0.0): #print ("Bodies Count:%s\nPairs Count:%s"%(len(bodies),len(pairs))) for (((x1, y1, z1), v1, m1), ((x2, y2, z2), v2, m2)) in pairs: dx = x1 - x2 dy = y1 - y2 dz = z1 - z2 #print (m1*m2) e -= (m1 * m2) / ((dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz) ** 0.5) for (r, [vx, vy, vz], m) in bodies: e += m * (vx * vx + vy * vy + vz * vz) / 2. print("%.9f" % e) def offset_momentum(ref, bodies=SYSTEM): px=0.0 py=0.0 pz=0.0 for (r, [vx, vy, vz], m) in bodies: px -= vx * m py -= vy * m pz -= vz * m (r, v, m) = ref v[0] = px / m v[1] = py / m v[2] = pz / m def main(n, ref='sun'): from time import clock start = clock() report_energy() offset_momentum(BODIES[ref]) report_energy() advance(0.01, n) report_energy() duration = clock() - start print('duration: %s seconds \n\nDone...'%(duration)) if __name__ == '__main__': main(50000) }}} ---- *Initial Cobra Port:* {{{ # The Computer Language Benchmarks Game # http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/ # # originally by Kevin Carson # modified by Tupteq, Fredrik Johansson, and Daniel Nanz # modified by Maciej Fijalkowski # 2to3 #@number float class Triple pro x from var as decimal pro y from var as decimal pro z from var as decimal get squared as decimal return .x*.x + .y*.y + .z*.z cue init(x as decimal, y as decimal, z as decimal) base.init .x = x .y = y .z = z def toString as String is override return "\[[.x], [.y], [.z]\]" class Body pro coord from var as Triple pro velocity from var as Triple pro mass from var as decimal cue init(coord as Triple, velocity as Triple, mass as decimal) base.init .coord = coord .velocity = velocity .mass = mass class BodyPair pro body1 from var as Body pro body2 from var as Body cue init(body1 as Body, body2 as Body) base.init .body1 = body1 .body2 = body2 class Program def combinations(l) as List result = List() for x in l.count - 1 ls = l[x+1:] for y in ls result.add(BodyPair(l[x],y)) return result var bODIES cue init base.init .bODIES = { 'sun': Body(Triple(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Triple(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), .sOLAR_MASS), 'jupiter': Body(Triple(4.84143144246472090, -1.16032004402742839, -0.103622044471123109), Triple(0.00166007664274403694 * .dAYS_PER_YEAR, 0.00769901118419740425 * .dAYS_PER_YEAR, -0.0000690460016972063023 * .dAYS_PER_YEAR), 0.000954791938424326609 * .sOLAR_MASS), 'saturn': Body(Triple(8.34336671824457987, 4.12479856412430479, -0.403523417114321381), Triple(-0.00276742510726862411 * .dAYS_PER_YEAR, 0.00499852801234917238 * .dAYS_PER_YEAR, 0.0000230417297573763929 * .dAYS_PER_YEAR), 0.000285885980666130812 * .sOLAR_MASS), 'uranus': Body(Triple(12.8943695621391310, -15.1111514016986312, -0.223307578892655734), Triple(0.00296460137564761618* .dAYS_PER_YEAR, 0.00237847173959480950* .dAYS_PER_YEAR, -0.0000296589568540237556* .dAYS_PER_YEAR), 0.0000436624404335156298* .sOLAR_MASS), 'neptune': Body(Triple(15.3796971148509165, -25.9193146099879641, 0.179258772950371181), Triple(0.00268067772490389322* .dAYS_PER_YEAR, 0.00162824170038242295* .dAYS_PER_YEAR, -0.0000951592254519715870* .dAYS_PER_YEAR), 0.0000515138902046611451* .sOLAR_MASS) } .sYSTEM = [.bODIES['sun'], .bODIES['jupiter'], .bODIES['saturn'], .bODIES['uranus'], .bODIES['neptune'] ] .pAIRS = .combinations(.sYSTEM) var sYSTEM var _pI = 3.14159265358979323 var sOLAR_MASS = 4 * 3.14159265358979323 * 3.14159265358979323 var dAYS_PER_YEAR = 365.24 var pAIRS def advance(dt as decimal, n as int) bodies=.sYSTEM pairs=.pAIRS for i in n for p in pairs x1, y1, z1 = p.body1.coord.x, p.body1.coord.y, p.body1.coord.z x2, y2, z2 = p.body2.coord.x, p.body2.coord.y, p.body2.coord.z m1, m2 = p.body1.mass, p.body2.mass v1, v2 =p.body1.velocity, p.body2.velocity dx = x1 - x2 dy = y1 - y2 dz = z1 - z2 mag = dt * (Math.pow(Convert.toDouble(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz), -1.5f) to decimal) b1m = m1 * mag b2m = m2 * mag v1.x = v1.x - dx * b2m v1.y = v1.y - dy * b2m v1.z = v1.z - dz * b2m v2.x = v2.x + dx * b1m v2.y = v2.y + dy * b1m v2.z = v2.z + dz * b1m for b in bodies r = b.coord vx,vy,vz = b.velocity.x, b.velocity.y, b.velocity.z r.x = r.x + dt * vx r.y = r.y + dt * vy r.z = r.z + dt * vz def report_energy bodies=.sYSTEM pairs=.pAIRS #print "Bodies Count:[bodies.count]\nPairs Count:[pairs.count]" e=0.0 for p in pairs m = p.body1.mass * p.body2.mass #print m dx = p.body1.coord.x - p.body2.coord.x dy = p.body1.coord.y - p.body2.coord.y dz = p.body1.coord.z - p.body2.coord.z sqrs = Convert.toDouble(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz) e = e - (m / Math.pow(sqrs , 0.5f) to decimal) for b in bodies e = e + b.mass * b.velocity.squared / 2.0 print e def offset_momentum(ref1 ) bodies=.sYSTEM px=0.0 py=0.0 pz=0.0 for b in bodies vx ,vy ,vz = b.velocity.x, b.velocity.y,b.velocity.z m = b.mass px = px - vx * m py =py - vy * m pz = pz - vz * m v, m = ref1.velocity, ref1.mass v.x = px / m v.y = py / m v.z = pz / m ref1.velocity = v print v def main sw = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch() sw.start ref1 = 'sun' .report_energy .offset_momentum( .bODIES[ref1]) .report_energy .advance(0.01, 50000) .report_energy sw.stop print 'duration: [sw.elapsedMilliseconds] ms ' }}} ---- *Performance Improved version of Cobra code:* {{{ # The Computer Language Benchmarks Game # http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/ # # originally by Kevin Carson # modified by Tupteq, Fredrik Johansson, and Daniel Nanz # modified by Maciej Fijalkowski # 2to3 @number float class Triple var x as float var y as float var z as float #pro x from var as float #pro y from var as float #pro z from var as float get squared as float return .x*.x + .y*.y + .z*.z cue init(x as float, y as float, z as float) base.init .x = x .y = y .z = z def toString as String is override return "\[[.x], [.y], [.z]\]" class Body var coord as Triple var velocity as Triple var mass as float #pro coord from var as Triple #pro velocity from var as Triple #pro mass from var as float cue init(coord as Triple, velocity as Triple, mass as float) base.init .coord = coord .velocity = velocity .mass = mass def updateCoordinates(dt as float) .coord.x += dt * .velocity.x .coord.y += dt * .velocity.y .coord.z += dt * .velocity.z class BodyPair var body1 as Body var body2 as Body #pro body1 from var as Body #pro body2 from var as Body cue init(body1 as Body, body2 as Body) base.init .body1 = body1 .body2 = body2 class Program def combinations(l) as List result = List() for x in l.count - 1 ls = l[x+1:] for y in ls result.add(BodyPair(l[x],y)) return result cue init base.init bodies as Dictionary = { 'sun': Body(Triple(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Triple(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), .sOLAR_MASS), 'jupiter': Body(Triple(4.84143144246472090, -1.16032004402742839, -0.103622044471123109), Triple(0.00166007664274403694 * .dAYS_PER_YEAR, 0.00769901118419740425 * .dAYS_PER_YEAR, -0.0000690460016972063023 * .dAYS_PER_YEAR), 0.000954791938424326609 * .sOLAR_MASS), 'saturn': Body(Triple(8.34336671824457987, 4.12479856412430479, -0.403523417114321381), Triple(-0.00276742510726862411 * .dAYS_PER_YEAR, 0.00499852801234917238 * .dAYS_PER_YEAR, 0.0000230417297573763929 * .dAYS_PER_YEAR), 0.000285885980666130812 * .sOLAR_MASS), 'uranus': Body(Triple(12.8943695621391310, -15.1111514016986312, -0.223307578892655734), Triple(0.00296460137564761618* .dAYS_PER_YEAR, 0.00237847173959480950* .dAYS_PER_YEAR, -0.0000296589568540237556* .dAYS_PER_YEAR), 0.0000436624404335156298* .sOLAR_MASS), 'neptune': Body(Triple(15.3796971148509165, -25.9193146099879641, 0.179258772950371181), Triple(0.00268067772490389322* .dAYS_PER_YEAR, 0.00162824170038242295* .dAYS_PER_YEAR, -0.0000951592254519715870* .dAYS_PER_YEAR), 0.0000515138902046611451* .sOLAR_MASS) } .sYSTEM = List() .sYSTEM.add(bodies['sun']) .sYSTEM.add(bodies['jupiter']) .sYSTEM.add(bodies['saturn']) .sYSTEM.add(bodies['uranus']) .sYSTEM.add(bodies['neptune']) .pAIRS = .combinations(.sYSTEM) var sYSTEM as List var sOLAR_MASS as float = 4 * 3.14159265358979323 * 3.14159265358979323 var dAYS_PER_YEAR as float = 365.24 var pAIRS as List def advance(dt as float, n as int) bodies=.sYSTEM pairs=.pAIRS b1 as Body = bodies[0] b2 as Body = bodies[0] v1 as Triple = b1.velocity v2 as Triple = b2.velocity dx as float dy as float dz as float mag as float for i in n for p as BodyPair in pairs b1 = p.body1 b2 = p.body2 v1, v2 =b1.velocity, b2.velocity dx = b1.coord.x - b2.coord.x dy = b1.coord.y - b2.coord.y dz = b1.coord.z - b2.coord.z mag = dt * (Math.pow(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz, -1.5f) ) b1m as float= b1.mass * mag b2m as float = b2.mass * mag v1.x = v1.x - dx * b2m v1.y = v1.y - dy * b2m v1.z = v1.z - dz * b2m v2.x = v2.x + dx * b1m v2.y = v2.y + dy * b1m v2.z = v2.z + dz * b1m for b as Body in bodies b.updateCoordinates(dt) def report_energy bodies=.sYSTEM pairs=.pAIRS #print "Bodies Count:[bodies.count]\nPairs Count:[pairs.count]" e as float=0.0 for p as BodyPair in pairs b1 as Body = p.body1 b2 as Body = p.body2 m = b1.mass * b2.mass #print m dx = b1.coord.x - b2.coord.x dy = b1.coord.y - b2.coord.y dz = b1.coord.z - b2.coord.z sqrs = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz e -= m / Math.sqrt(sqrs ) for b as Body in bodies e += b.mass * b.velocity.squared *0.5 print e def offset_momentum(ref1 as Body) bodies=.sYSTEM px as float=0.0 py as float=0.0 pz as float=0.0 for b as Body in bodies m as float = b.mass px = px- b.velocity.x * m py = py-b.velocity.y * m pz = pz-b.velocity.z * m v, m = ref1.velocity, 1/ ref1.mass v.x = px * m v.y = py * m v.z = pz * m print v def main sw = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch() sw.start .report_energy .offset_momentum( .sYSTEM[0]) #sun .report_energy .advance(0.01, 50000) .report_energy sw.stop print 'duration: [sw.elapsed] ms ' }}}