= Strings and characters = Strings are immutable sequential collections of char objects that represent a text string. In Cobra code these are typed as '''String''' (on .Net this equates to System.String) {{{ #!cobra var name as String def capitalize(title as String) }}} Within cobra you can catenate Strings explicitly with '+' {{{ #!cobra s1 = 'my' + 'string' # after which s1 == "mystring" }}} Cobra also supports Python-style string slicing: {{{ #!cobra s = s[1:] # chop off first char s = s[:-1] # chop off last char i = s.indexOf('foo') if i <> -1 s = s[:i] # everything before 'foo' }}} Otherwise string manipulation is via the platform or Cobra runtime String and Char support methods. An index into a string gives the position of a char object which may be the start point of a substring. Chars are a representation of a single character (display glyph) in a string (for Unicode text a Unicode character) this is usually but may not necessarily be a single Char for a single glyph (see Unicode and multibyte or wide chars) == Literals == === Char === Char literals are (usually) a single quoted character prefixed with a '''c'''. {{{ #!cobra ch = c'x' }}} Can be single or double quote delimited (usually single). Cobra allows usual escape sequences for control characters * \a - alarm (bell/beep) * \b - backspace * \f - formfeed * \n - newline. * \r - carriage return. * \t - tab. * \v - vertical tab * \\ - single \ * \' - single quote ' * \" - double quote " * \0 - nul char. {{{ #!cobra nlch = c'\n' tabch = c'\t' nulCh = c'\0' }}} === String === Literal Strings are (single) single quote or double quote delimited ('string' or "another string") All strings are single line (currently). A [] delimited expression in a string indicates interpolation or substitution of enclosed expression at that point. {{{ #!cobra x='hops' print 'hi [x]' # outputs: hi hops print "hi [x]" # also outputs: hi hops print 'Hi [customer.firstName] [customer.lastName]' }}} leading [ can be escaped '\[' to escape this substitution (individually). The expression inside the [] may have an optional format descriptor following the expression and separated from it by a ':'[[BR]] Any of the (.Net) single, standard or Custom format descriptors can be given.[[BR]] (see [http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.iformattable%28v=vs.110%29.aspx IFormattable] interface) {{{ #!cobra # std x = 123.456 print 'val is [x] or [x:F4]' # val is 123.456 or 123.4560 x1=123 print 'val [x1] is [x1:D4]' # val [123] is 0123 print 'hex is 0x[x1:x4]' # hex is 0x007b # custom n=67263807 print 'PhoneNum is [n:00-0000-000]' # PhoneNum is 06-7263-807 #std datetime d = DateTime() print 'dflt is [d:F]' # dflt is Monday, 01 January 0001 00:00:00 }}} Literal strings support the usual escape characters. * \a - alarm (bell/beep) * \b - backspace * \f - formfeed * \n - newline. * \r - carriage return. * \t - tab. * \v - vertical tab * \\ - single \ * \' - single quote ' * \" - double quote " * \0 - nul char. (arbitrary embedded hex or unicode ??) ==== Raw Strings ==== {{{r'string'}}} - unexpanded ('raw') string Does not interpret escape chars or substitute expressions in [] ==== non Substituted strings ==== {{{ns'string[x]'}}} or {{{ns"string[x]"}}} Does not do expression substitution - items in [] are treated as text Interprets escape chars but suppresses expression interpolation/substitution (expansion of expressions in []) == !DocStrings == Single or multiline """ delimited text intended to document the item. Terminating trigraph must be on new line (after initiating line) or (single line docstring ) at end on same as start line. Allowed on File, (or after) class, struct, interface, var, def, sig, event, methods. Usual form {{{ #!cobra """ Heres a single line docString.""" ... """ Heres a multiline doc string. Second and subsequent lines follow ... """ """ Heres another single line docString. """ }}} e.g. {{{ #!cobra class BigOne """ Implementation of a BigOne thingy... yadda yadda yadda """ var _initVal """The initial BigOne value""" }}} == Platform == There is another string form to allow inline c# src code to be inserted at the occurring position in generated source. {{{sharp"c# src code"}}} or {{{sharp'c# src code'}}} e.g. {{{ #!cobra t = sharp'System.Type.GetType(qualifiedName)' }}} == Examples == {{{ #!cobra s = 'A simple String' i=10 ssub = 'result is:[i]' # ssub gets 'result is:10' ns0 = ns'result is:[i]' # ns gets 'result is:[i]' ns1 = 'result is:\[i]' # ns1 gets 'result is:[i]' rs = r'here [is]\nsome\r' # rs gets string 'here [is]\nsome\r' }}} == Notes == Idiomatically most textstrings in cobra use single-quote ' as delimiters unless need to enclose a '. Exact String and Char representation is platform dependent as are support and utility [[BR]] methods pending a complete portable Runtime library.[[BR]] In the meantime we are using platform (.Net and Mono) capabilities and semantics. Eventually there will be support for multiline text strings (embedded newlines from source representation).