= Try-Catch-Get Expression = The try expression provides a simple way to run a single expression that may generate a single exception Type and provide a default value if it does so. It's a convenience for a [wiki:Try try-catch] statement for a single statement which would assign the expression.[[BR]] The value of the expression is the value of the expression following 'try' or if an exception is thrown the value of the expression after the 'get'. If an Exception-Type is not given it will catch all Exceptions. == Grammar == try catch [ ] get == Examples == {{{ #!cobra inVal = '..' #an int string presumably x = try int.parse(inVal) catch FormatException get 0 # return 0 if inVal not an int String # Catch all exceptions dflt = '---' s1 = try String.format('{1:P}', 0.123) catch get dflt assert s1 == '---' name = try .input('Enter your name:') catch ConsoleInputException get 'ERROR' }}}