
Cobra March 2009 Update

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Cobra March 2009 Update

Postby Charles » Fri Apr 10, 2009 12:53 am

This is a new update for March, covering improvements since the last update for February.

There were 4 releases in March with various improvements described below. You can download the latest now.

Or for the absolute latest, there is a HowToInstallFromSource wiki page covering the ease and benefits of using Cobra from the source repository, and how to do it.

The following improvements are due to patches and feedback from the community as well as my own efforts. Thanks to all contributors including sample program writers, wiki writers, and testers!


-- Property declarations that also declare their backing variable can now be given an initial value at the same time:
pro x from var as int = 5

-- Note that not much has changed in the language because the language is getting mature. We already have classes, interfaces, structs, mixins, generics, properties, methods, lambdas, closures and more.


-- Nothing significant to report this month.


-- Added a syntax highlighting feature to the Cobra command line. "cobra -highlight <files>" will create HTML versions of the files in a gen-html subdirectory. You can see the results of this in the Samples and How-To's on the web site.

-- Added or improved 2 error messages and warnings.

-- Fixed 9 bugs.

Docs, Samples and How-To's

-- All Samples and How-To's were updated to reflect the latest version of Cobra including syntactic conveniences and recommended coding style.

-- A new Regex sample program was posted.

-- A new Tao OpenGL sample program was posted.

-- A new WPF How To was added.

-- A new Fractal Benchmark sample program was added.

-- New or updated wiki pages:
---- MixIn
---- DotNetProjects

The next update will be around May 1 for the month of April, but you can always keep up to date by following the discussion forums.

We hope you'll try out the latest Cobra!

Best regards,

Chuck Esterbrook
Posts: 2515
Location: Los Angeles, CA

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