I have E:\Cobra-0.7.1 and
- Code: Select all
class Hello
def main is shared
print 'Hello, world.'
as hello.cobra in E:\Cobra-0.7.1\bin
I also have C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727
E:\Cobra-0.7.1\bin>cobra hello.cobra
Looked for C# compiler at:
But cannot find a C# compiler from Microsoft .NET or Novell Mono.
An unhandled exception has occurred.
Cobra debugging tips:
To get file name and line number information for the stack frames, use:
cobra -debug foo.cobra
To get a post-mortem, HTML-formatted report with more details about your objects:
cobra -debug -exception-report foo.cobra
For even more information, try:
cobra -debug -exception-report -detailed-stack-trace foo.cobra
Or use the abbreviations:
cobra -d -er -dst foo.cobra
Unhandled Exception: System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot start process because a file name has
not been provided.
at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start()
at CommandLine.DoRun(List`1 paths)
at CommandLine.Run(List`1 args)
at CommandLine.Run()
at CobraMain.Main()
What's my next step? Get the C# compiler? If so, I need specific directions on where to get it and how and where to install it.