I changed "namespace wx.Test" to "namespace WX.Test" and it gets past that problem.
The idea in Cobra is that:
-- locals and args start with lowercase, like "foo"
-- namespaces and classes start uppercase like "Foo"
-- object members start with _ like "_foo" or are accessed with a . like ".foo"
It means that when you read code like this:
e = Element(alphabet[_random.next(alphabet.length)])
You can tell that:
-- “e” and “alphabet” are local variables or arguments
-- “_random” is an object variable
-- “Element” is a type
Also, it's not likely you would want to put your own classes in the namespace of another library. You could end up with collisions/errors when upgrading the library in the future. I would call it:
namespace Arisawa.WX.Test