
Is there any IDE which we can compile cobra code ?

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Is there any IDE which we can compile cobra code ?

Postby kcvinu » Sun Jul 09, 2017 12:19 am

Hi there,
I am new to this forum and Cobra. Interested in this language. I am a hobbyist. I am looking for an IDE which can compile Cobra code in just one button click like "CodeBlocks" for C and CPP. Is there any one ?
Posts: 2

Re: Is there any IDE which we can compile cobra code ?

Postby Charles » Wed Jul 12, 2017 10:05 am

I use an editor and the command line myself, so I don't know the current status of these, but the IDEs are documented here:
Posts: 2515
Location: Los Angeles, CA

Re: Is there any IDE which we can compile cobra code ?

Postby Achletomeniak » Thu Jul 20, 2017 11:42 am

Hi kcvinu ,

of course.

Geany IDE is definetly running a cobra program with one click.
You have to compile first in the BUILD menue and then you can klick run.
Now the program starts with one click.
Everytime you load the code in Geany one klick is working.
I use linux , and the parameter for the build - set build commands menue for
compiling and executing is cobra "%f".

Note that you first have to declare a programming language highlightning.
I have chosen scripting language - python because ...

i was not able to insert the cobra highlighter in the way which is decribed under IDEs geany.
it was to tricksy.

So for myself i use another IDE and for running a tabbed CMD.

If you want to ONE KLICK - geany is the one for you.

Sooner or later you got the cobra highlighter as shown in decription. i am shure. ;)


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