Please report both success and failures on this thread. I need to get some testing results before I can widely announce this.
Also, you'll notice that these are source-based releases that make use of the "install-from-workspace" script. I consider myself on the hook for core compiler work, patch applications, forum support and source releases. But regarding packaging such as a Windows installer, a Debian package, a Mac installer, etc. that will have to come from the community.
Thanks to everyone who contributed through patches, bug reports, help with the web site, satellite projects like MonoDevelop, etc. I plan on renaming the "Credits" page to "Influences" since that page mostly discusses the languages that influence Cobra, and making a new "Credits" page to cover contributors. (I just can't get to everything at once.)
Don't forget I need testing feedback, whether good or bad. Please include the output of "cobra -version" like so:
- Code: Select all
$ cobra -version
Cobra 0.9.0 on Mono 2.10.9 CLR v4.0.30319 on Mac OS X 10.6.8