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The book is "The Blind Watchmaker" by Richard Dawkins. In Chapter 3,
"Accumulating Small Changes", Dawkins distinguishes between "single-step
selection" and "cumulative selection". This doc string is a poor substitute for
reading the book, but here we go:
Suppose you wish to randomly generate a desired line from Shakespeare:
Methinks it is like a weasel
Using a "single-step selection", you would generate 28 fresh, random letters at
a time like so:
Attempt 1: oufswgonxgjsqvfwlpmhhkhfcrxe
Attempt 2: eqnhydvqghckpyzrvayjepnvzbbd
Attempt 3: m qekjigucvn pqemcsjmqlbuo q
Attempt 4: dsiwcrdgrz fqtytgljqziixjtsw
Attempt 5: pplxjtccuzkilknocmtutsvjekrw
Attempt 6: jmmj hrbndxyqw iabepvvvx ydy
Attempt 7: vbs bgtimbidtmazqwdxtnjdfcap
Attempt 8: rqjceuhlmyxjcswztawjuwheugfh
Attempt 9: tpu gerxtg eqnt uvarklegsvv
...until you hit upon the desired line. The odds of success are astronomical.
You would die before it happened.
But using "cumulative selection", you would only *start* with 28 random letters.
Thereafter, you reproduce the string with a slight mutation, evaluate its
fitness with respect to the goal and choose between it or the original. The
fittest survives and the weakest is cast aside. In this way, progress
accumulates to reach the goal in seconds even though the micro-engineering was
still random (mutating the string). That's because the macro-engineering was not
(selection and reproduction).
This Cobra program demonstrates the above.
At the Lang.NET 2008 Conference (http://www.langnetsymposium.com/), I met
Peli de Halleux from the Pex team at http://research.microsoft.com/pex/.
We put this program through Pex and it automatically found legit errors in the
code resulting in improvements to the contracts. Those additional contracts are
marked "Pex" below.
class BlindWatchMaker1
var _random = Random()
def main
goal = 'methinks it is like a weasel'
alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz '
duration1 = .runCumulativeSelection(goal, alphabet)
duration2 = .runSingleStepSelection(goal, alphabet)
factor = duration2 / duration1
print 'Single step selection took [Math.round(factor)] times longer than cumulative selection and *still* failed.'
def runCumulativeSelection(goal as String, alphabet as String) as float
goal.length # Pex
alphabet.length # Pex
result > 0
print 'Cumulative Selection:'
start = DateTime.now
# wip stands for "work in progress"
wip = .randomString(goal.length, alphabet)
showAttempt = true
generation = 1
while true
score = .score(wip, goal) # 0..100
if showAttempt
print ' attempt [generation.toString.padLeft(4)] [wip] ==> [score]%'
if score >= 100
mutantChar = alphabet[_random.next(alphabet.length)]
mutantIndex = _random.next(wip.length)
firstPart = wip[:mutantIndex]
secondPart = wip[mutantIndex+1:]
offspring = '[firstPart][mutantChar][secondPart]'
if .score(offspring, goal) > .score(wip, goal)
# we have a new, improved string
showAttempt = true
wip = offspring
# the offspring is no better than the parent (and possibly worse)
showAttempt = false
generation += 1
duration = DateTime.now.subtract(start)
print ' duration: [duration]'
return duration.totalSeconds
def runSingleStepSelection(goal as String, alphabet as String) as float
result > 0
print 'Single Step Selection:'
start = DateTime.now
maxAttempts = 1_000_000
reportInterval = 100_000
maxScore = 0
for i in maxAttempts
s = .randomString(goal.length, alphabet)
if s == goal
# this could theoretically happen, but never does
print ' !!! SUCCESS !!!'
print ' On attempt [i+1], a randomly generated string matched:'
print ' [s]'
if .score(s, goal) > maxScore
maxScore = .score(s, goal)
if (i+1) % reportInterval == 0
print ' [i+1]...'
if s <> goal
print ' Giving up after [i] attempts of single step selection.'
print ' Maximum score was [maxScore]%.'
duration = DateTime.now.subtract(start)
print ' duration: [duration]'
return duration.totalSeconds
def randomString(length as int, alphabet as String) as String
length > 0
alphabet <> ''
result.length == length
x = BlindWatchMaker1()
assert x.randomString(5, 'ab').length == 5
s = x.randomString(1000, 'a')
for c in s, assert c == c'a'
sb = StringBuilder()
for i in length
c = alphabet[_random.next(alphabet.length)]
return sb.toString
def score(candidate as String, goal as String) as int
Returns the score of the candidate string with regards to how closely it
matches the goal.
candidate.length # Pex
goal.length # Pex
candidate.length == goal.length
result >= 0 and result <= 100
bwcc = BlindWatchMaker1()
assert bwcc.score('aoeu', 'aoeu') == 100
assert bwcc.score('aabb', 'aacc') == 50
assert bwcc.score('a b ', 'axbx') == 50
score = 0
for i in goal.length
if candidate[i] == goal[i], score += 1
value = (score / goal.length * 100) to int
return value