Find Words Sample
Blind Watch Maker 1
Find Words
Fractal Benchmark
Genetic Algorithm
Gtk Source Editor
Hex Dump
Simple English Parser
Word Count
  by Caligari
  with mods by Chuck

This tool can be used to find which files in a directory tree contain any
of a list of words.

The list of words to search for is provided by default in a file called
"wordlist.txt" (located in the same directory as the executable) with one
regular expression per line.

A list of filename extensions to ignore can also be provided, if needed.
That list has one extension per line (not including the "."), and is
not a regular expression.

A description of further options is available using the "-help" command-line argument.

Comments in the code explain the use of regular expressions.

use System.Text.RegularExpressions

class FindWords

    var wordsFilename = ''
    var ignoreFilename = ''
    var searchDirectory = ''
    var onlyNames as bool
    var showLines as bool
    var words = SortedDictionary<of String, Regex>()
    var ignoreExtensions = List<of String>()
    var startDir as DirectoryInfo?
    var listFile as FileInfo?

    def main
        .wordsFilename = Path.combine(Path.getDirectoryName(CobraCore.exePath), "wordlist.txt")
        .ignoreFilename = ""
        .searchDirectory = Path.getFullPath(".")
        .onlyNames = false
        .showLines = true

        .listFile = FileInfo(.wordsFilename)
        .startDir = DirectoryInfo(.searchDirectory)
        .checkDirectory(.startDir to !)
        print "\nDone."

    def showSyntax
        appName = CobraCore.commandLineArgs[0]
        if appName.lastIndexOf(Path.directorySeparatorChar) > 0
            appName = appName[appName.lastIndexOf(Path.directorySeparatorChar)+1:]
        if appName.lastIndexOf(".") > 0
            appName = appName[:appName.lastIndexOf(".")]
        print "Syntax:\n[appName] \[searchDirectory\] \[-l|list listFilename\] \[-i|ignore ingorelistFilename\] \[-n|-names] \[-s|-summary] \[-h|-help]"
        print "  -l|list file    filename of the list of words to search for"
        print "  -i|ignore file  filename of an optional list of extensions for files to ignore"
        print "  -n|names        only check file and directory names"
        print "  -s|summary      only show files, not lines within files"
        print "  -h|help         show this help text"        

    def processCommandLine
        args = CobraCore.commandLineArgs

        listArgs    = ["-l", "-list"]
        ignoreArgs  = ["-i", "-ignore"]
        nameArgs    = ["-n", "-name", "-names"]
        summaryArgs = ["-s", "-summary"]
        helpArgs    = ["-h", "-help"]
        allArgs     = listArgs.concated(ignoreArgs).concated(nameArgs).concated(summaryArgs).concated(helpArgs)
        lookingForIgnore = false
        lookingForList = false
        foundDir = false
        argError = false
        if args.count > 1
            for arg in args[1:]
                if arg in allArgs and lookingForList
                    print "unable to determine filename for list of words, expected '-l filename'"
                    lookingForList = false
                    argError = true
                if arg in allArgs and lookingForIgnore
                    print "unable to determine filename for list of ignore extensions, expected '-i filename'"
                    lookingForIgnore = false
                    argError = true
                if arg in helpArgs
                else if arg in nameArgs
                    .onlyNames = true
                else if arg in summaryArgs
                    .showLines = false
                else if arg in ignoreArgs
                    lookingForIgnore = true
                else if arg in listArgs
                    lookingForList = true
                else if arg[0] == "-"
                    print "unrecognized argument [arg]"
                    argError = true
                    if lookingForIgnore
                        .ignoreFilename = arg.toString
                        lookingForIgnore = false
                    else if lookingForList
                        .wordsFilename = arg.toString
                        lookingForList = false                        
                    else if not foundDir  # must be the directory to look in
                        .searchDirectory = arg.toString
                        foundDir = true
                    else  # already found directory
                        print "more than one directory provied on commandline, expected 'directory'"
                        argError = true

        if argError

    def readRegExList        
            using wordsFile = StreamReader(.wordsFilename)

                wordLine = wordsFile.readLine
                while wordLine
                    # We can tell if there is a word on a line using an
                    # inline regular expression:
                    #   Regex.match(textToSearch, regularExpression)
                    # The textToSearch can be a hard-coded string,
                    # but most often it will be a String.
                    # The regularExpression is a string (hard-coded
                    # or not) that follows the regular expression
                    # syntax.
                    wordMatch = Regex.match(wordLine, r".+")
                    # The return from a match() call is a Match class
                    # object. The success property tells us whether the
                    # search located what we were looking for.
                    # The toString method gives us the resulting subString.
                    if wordMatch.success
                        # We can create a Regex object which can later be
                        # used to execute a search with a given regular
                        # expression. In this case we are setting two
                        # options (ignoring case in the search we are
                        # creating, and pre-compiling the search, as we
                        # may be using it many times).
                        # Note that here we are saving the resulting
                        # Regex object to a Dictionary for later use.
                        # We could just as easily save the string itself,
                        # but this way we only pay the Regex creation cost
                        # once, rather than every time we carry out the
                        # search.
                        .words[wordMatch.toString] = Regex(wordMatch.toString, RegexOptions(Compiled, IgnoreCase))
                    wordLine = wordsFile.readLine
        catch ioe as IOException
            .reportError(.wordsFilename, ioe)
        print "\nFound [.words.count] search words.\n"

    def readExtToIgnore
        # optionally find extensions to ignore
        if .ignoreFilename.length > 0
                using ignoreFile = StreamReader(.ignoreFilename)
                    ignoreLine = ignoreFile.readLine                    
                    while ignoreLine
                        if ignoreLine.length > 0
                            .ignoreExtensions.add("." + ignoreLine.trim)
                        ignoreLine = ignoreFile.readLine
            catch ioe as IOException
                .reportError(.ignoreFilename, ioe)
            print "\nFound [.ignoreExtensions.count] ignored extenstions.\n"

    def checkDirectory(curDir as DirectoryInfo)
        if not curDir.exists
            print "Unable to find search directory [curDir.fullName]"
        # print "Checking [curDir.fullName]..."
        foundWords = List<of String>()

        for word, wordMatch in .words
            # check directory name
            # Here we use a regular expression match
            # to determine whether the directory names have
            # any of the words we are looking for.
            # Each directory name is passed to the match
            # method call made on each of the Regex objects
            # in the dictionary we created earlier.
            dirNameCheck = wordMatch.match( 

            if dirNameCheck.success
        if foundWords.count
            print "[curDir.fullName]: directory name may have [foundWords]"
        # check files
        for subFile in curDir.getFiles
            # Note that here we check if the file we are about
            # to look at has a name which matches our list of words
            # or an extension we are ignoring. Neither of these
            # tests use regular expressions, although we could
            # use the same scheme for the ignore extensions, if
            # we wanted to support regular expressions there as well.
            if subFile.fullName == .listFile.fullName or subFile.extension in .ignoreExtensions
            .checkFile(subFile, curDir)

        for subDir in curDir.getDirectories

    def checkFile(curFile as FileInfo, curDir as DirectoryInfo)
        if not curFile.exists
            print "Unable to find file [curFile.fullName]"
        # check filename
        foundWords = List<of String>()

        for word, wordMatch in .words
            # Here we use a regular expression match
            # to determine whether the filename has
            # any of the words we are looking for.
            # The name is passed to the match method
            # call made on each of the Regex objects
            # in the dictionary we created earlier.
            fileNameCheck = wordMatch.match( 

            if fileNameCheck.success
        if foundWords.count
            print "[curFile.fullName]: file name may have [foundWords]"
        if .onlyNames
        # check contents
            openFile = StreamReader(curFile.fullName)
        catch ioe as IOException
            .reportError(curFile.fullName, ioe)
        if .showLines
                lineNum, curLine = 1, openFile.readLine
                while curLine
                    foundWords = List<of String>()
                    for word, wordMatch in .words
                        # Finally, we use a regular expression match
                        # on the contents of each file for each
                        # of the words we want to find. We do this
                        # check for each line in the file, so that
                        # we can report the findings by line, if we
                        # want to do so.
                        curLineCheck = wordMatch.match(curLine)
                        if curLineCheck.success
                    if foundWords.count
                        print "[curFile.fullName]([lineNum]) has [foundWords]"
                    curLine = openFile.readLine
                    lineNum += 1
            catch ioe as IOException
                .reportError(curFile.fullName, ioe)
        else  # not show lines
            # When we don't need to report each line in a file
            # we read the entire contents into a "line" and
            # run the same regular expression match on it.
                curLine = openFile.readToEnd
            catch ioe as IOException
                .reportError(curFile.fullName, ioe)
            foundWords = List<of String>()
            for word, wordMatch in .words
                curLineCheck = wordMatch.match(curLine)
                if curLineCheck.success
            if foundWords.count
                print "[curFile.fullName] has [foundWords]"


    def reportError(fileName, exc as Exception)
        print 'Error reading "[fileName]":'
        print exc.message
        print 'Run with -h for options.'