| """
by Caligari
with mods by Chuck
This tool can be used to find which files in a directory tree contain any
of a list of words.
The list of words to search for is provided by default in a file called
"wordlist.txt" (located in the same directory as the executable) with one
regular expression per line.
A list of filename extensions to ignore can also be provided, if needed.
That list has one extension per line (not including the "."), and is
not a regular expression.
A description of further options is available using the "-help" command-line argument.
Comments in the code explain the use of regular expressions.
use System.Text.RegularExpressions
class FindWords
var wordsFilename = ''
var ignoreFilename = ''
var searchDirectory = ''
var onlyNames as bool
var showLines as bool
var words = SortedDictionary<of String, Regex>()
var ignoreExtensions = List<of String>()
var startDir as DirectoryInfo?
var listFile as FileInfo?
def main
.wordsFilename = Path.combine(Path.getDirectoryName(CobraCore.exePath), "wordlist.txt")
.ignoreFilename = ""
.searchDirectory = Path.getFullPath(".")
.onlyNames = false
.showLines = true
.listFile = FileInfo(.wordsFilename)
.startDir = DirectoryInfo(.searchDirectory)
.checkDirectory(.startDir to !)
print "\nDone."
def showSyntax
appName = CobraCore.commandLineArgs[0]
if appName.lastIndexOf(Path.directorySeparatorChar) > 0
appName = appName[appName.lastIndexOf(Path.directorySeparatorChar)+1:]
if appName.lastIndexOf(".") > 0
appName = appName[:appName.lastIndexOf(".")]
print "Syntax:\n[appName] \[searchDirectory\] \[-l|list listFilename\] \[-i|ignore ingorelistFilename\] \[-n|-names] \[-s|-summary] \[-h|-help]"
print " -l|list file filename of the list of words to search for"
print " -i|ignore file filename of an optional list of extensions for files to ignore"
print " -n|names only check file and directory names"
print " -s|summary only show files, not lines within files"
print " -h|help show this help text"
def processCommandLine
args = CobraCore.commandLineArgs
listArgs = ["-l", "-list"]
ignoreArgs = ["-i", "-ignore"]
nameArgs = ["-n", "-name", "-names"]
summaryArgs = ["-s", "-summary"]
helpArgs = ["-h", "-help"]
allArgs = listArgs.concated(ignoreArgs).concated(nameArgs).concated(summaryArgs).concated(helpArgs)
lookingForIgnore = false
lookingForList = false
foundDir = false
argError = false
if args.count > 1
for arg in args[1:]
if arg in allArgs and lookingForList
print "unable to determine filename for list of words, expected '-l filename'"
lookingForList = false
argError = true
if arg in allArgs and lookingForIgnore
print "unable to determine filename for list of ignore extensions, expected '-i filename'"
lookingForIgnore = false
argError = true
if arg in helpArgs
else if arg in nameArgs
.onlyNames = true
else if arg in summaryArgs
.showLines = false
else if arg in ignoreArgs
lookingForIgnore = true
else if arg in listArgs
lookingForList = true
else if arg[0] == "-"
print "unrecognized argument [arg]"
argError = true
if lookingForIgnore
.ignoreFilename = arg.toString
lookingForIgnore = false
else if lookingForList
.wordsFilename = arg.toString
lookingForList = false
else if not foundDir # must be the directory to look in
.searchDirectory = arg.toString
foundDir = true
else # already found directory
print "more than one directory provied on commandline, expected 'directory'"
argError = true
if argError
def readRegExList
using wordsFile = StreamReader(.wordsFilename)
wordLine = wordsFile.readLine
while wordLine
# We can tell if there is a word on a line using an
# inline regular expression:
# Regex.match(textToSearch, regularExpression)
# The textToSearch can be a hard-coded string,
# but most often it will be a String.
# The regularExpression is a string (hard-coded
# or not) that follows the regular expression
# syntax.
wordMatch = Regex.match(wordLine, r".+")
# The return from a match() call is a Match class
# object. The success property tells us whether the
# search located what we were looking for.
# The toString method gives us the resulting subString.
if wordMatch.success
# We can create a Regex object which can later be
# used to execute a search with a given regular
# expression. In this case we are setting two
# options (ignoring case in the search we are
# creating, and pre-compiling the search, as we
# may be using it many times).
# Note that here we are saving the resulting
# Regex object to a Dictionary for later use.
# We could just as easily save the string itself,
# but this way we only pay the Regex creation cost
# once, rather than every time we carry out the
# search.
.words[wordMatch.toString] = Regex(wordMatch.toString, RegexOptions(Compiled, IgnoreCase))
wordLine = wordsFile.readLine
catch ioe as IOException
.reportError(.wordsFilename, ioe)
print "\nFound [.words.count] search words.\n"
def readExtToIgnore
# optionally find extensions to ignore
if .ignoreFilename.length > 0
using ignoreFile = StreamReader(.ignoreFilename)
ignoreLine = ignoreFile.readLine
while ignoreLine
if ignoreLine.length > 0
.ignoreExtensions.add("." + ignoreLine.trim)
ignoreLine = ignoreFile.readLine
catch ioe as IOException
.reportError(.ignoreFilename, ioe)
print "\nFound [.ignoreExtensions.count] ignored extenstions.\n"
def checkDirectory(curDir as DirectoryInfo)
if not curDir.exists
print "Unable to find search directory [curDir.fullName]"
# print "Checking [curDir.fullName]..."
foundWords = List<of String>()
for word, wordMatch in .words
# check directory name
# Here we use a regular expression match
# to determine whether the directory names have
# any of the words we are looking for.
# Each directory name is passed to the match
# method call made on each of the Regex objects
# in the dictionary we created earlier.
dirNameCheck = wordMatch.match(curDir.name)
if dirNameCheck.success
if foundWords.count
print "[curDir.fullName]: directory name may have [foundWords]"
# check files
for subFile in curDir.getFiles
# Note that here we check if the file we are about
# to look at has a name which matches our list of words
# or an extension we are ignoring. Neither of these
# tests use regular expressions, although we could
# use the same scheme for the ignore extensions, if
# we wanted to support regular expressions there as well.
if subFile.fullName == .listFile.fullName or subFile.extension in .ignoreExtensions
.checkFile(subFile, curDir)
for subDir in curDir.getDirectories
def checkFile(curFile as FileInfo, curDir as DirectoryInfo)
if not curFile.exists
print "Unable to find file [curFile.fullName]"
# check filename
foundWords = List<of String>()
for word, wordMatch in .words
# Here we use a regular expression match
# to determine whether the filename has
# any of the words we are looking for.
# The name is passed to the match method
# call made on each of the Regex objects
# in the dictionary we created earlier.
fileNameCheck = wordMatch.match(curFile.name)
if fileNameCheck.success
if foundWords.count
print "[curFile.fullName]: file name may have [foundWords]"
if .onlyNames
# check contents
openFile = StreamReader(curFile.fullName)
catch ioe as IOException
.reportError(curFile.fullName, ioe)
if .showLines
lineNum, curLine = 1, openFile.readLine
while curLine
foundWords = List<of String>()
for word, wordMatch in .words
# Finally, we use a regular expression match
# on the contents of each file for each
# of the words we want to find. We do this
# check for each line in the file, so that
# we can report the findings by line, if we
# want to do so.
curLineCheck = wordMatch.match(curLine)
if curLineCheck.success
if foundWords.count
print "[curFile.fullName]([lineNum]) has [foundWords]"
curLine = openFile.readLine
lineNum += 1
catch ioe as IOException
.reportError(curFile.fullName, ioe)
else # not show lines
# When we don't need to report each line in a file
# we read the entire contents into a "line" and
# run the same regular expression match on it.
curLine = openFile.readToEnd
catch ioe as IOException
.reportError(curFile.fullName, ioe)
foundWords = List<of String>()
for word, wordMatch in .words
curLineCheck = wordMatch.match(curLine)
if curLineCheck.success
if foundWords.count
print "[curFile.fullName] has [foundWords]"
def reportError(fileName, exc as Exception)
print 'Error reading "[fileName]":'
print exc.message
print 'Run with -h for options.'