| """
HexDump program in Cobra.
by Johannes Krampf, Mike Hopkirk, Charles Esterbrook
Produces output like hexdump -C
class HexDump
def main
args = CobraCore.commandLineArgs
if args.count <> 2
binaryName = Path.getFileName(args[0])
print 'Usage: [binaryName] \[filename\]'
for i in 1 : args.count
.dumpFileNamed(args[i], 16)
def dumpFileNamed(filename as String, width as int)
require width % 2 == 0
.dumpBytes(FileByteStream(filename).read, width)
def dumpBytes(bytes as int*, width as int)
width % 2 == 0 # width must be even
cases = [
['aoeu', '00000000 61 6f 65 75 |aoeu|\n00000004\n'],
['aoe\nasdf', '00000000 61 6f 65 0a |aoe.|\n00000004 61 73 64 66 |asdf|\n00000008\n'],
for input, expected in cases
sw = StringWriter()
print to sw
bytes = for b in Encoding.ascii.getBytes(input) get b to int
HexDump().dumpBytes(bytes, 4)
actual = sw.toString.replace('\r', '')
assert actual == expected, input
halfWidth = width // 2
hexPart = asciiPart = ''
for n, byte in bytes.toList.numbered
if (n % width) == 0 # file offset in hex
line = '[n:x8]'
hexPart += '[line] '
hex = '[byte:x2]'
hexPart += '[hex] ' # accumulate hex chars space separated
asciiPart += if(0x1f < byte < 0x80, Convert.toChar(byte).toString, '.')
if (n+1) % width == 0 # display a full line
print '[hexPart] |[asciiPart]|'
hexPart = asciiPart = ''
else if (n+1) % halfWidth == 0 # extra space in middle of hex
hexPart += ' '
n += 1
if n % width
# space pad both parts of partially filled last line
hpad = 3*(width - (n % width)) + if(0 < (n % width) <= halfWidth, 1, 0)
hexPart += ' '.padLeft(hpad)
apad = width - (n % width)
asciiPart += ' '.padLeft(apad)
print '[hexPart] |[asciiPart]|'
print '[n:x8]' # file byte count
class FileByteStream
var _input as FileStream
cue init(filename as String)
_input = File.openRead(filename)
catch ioe as IOException
print 'I/O Error: [ioe.message]'
def read as int*
while true
current = _input.readByte
if current == -1, break
yield current
yield break