| """
> cd \path\to\directory\of\wordcount.cobra
> cobra -c wordcount.cobra
> wordcount \path\to\some\textfile
chars = 1258
words = 180
sentences = 18
lines = 61
blank lines = 20
class WordCounter
This class stores the counts accumulated, in other words, the number of:
blank lines
Several `countFoo` methods provide the ability to count:
* a file with a given name
* the contents of a TextReader
* any string
* a line at a time
The count methods can be invoked as many times as you like.
A word counter can be reused by invoking `reset`.
assert WordCounter().countText('').numWords==0
c = WordCounter().countText('aoeu')
assert c.numWords == 1
assert c.numSentences == 0
assert c.numLines == 1
c = WordCounter().countText('aoeu qwerty')
assert c.numWords == 2
assert c.numSentences == 0
assert c.numLines == 1
c = WordCounter().countText('aoeu\nqwerty')
assert c.numWords == 2
assert c.numSentences == 0
assert c.numLines == 2
assert c.numWords == 0
assert c.numLines == 0
sw = StringWriter()
print to sw
s = sw.toString
assert s.contains('words')
assert s.contains('lines')
var _numChars = 0
var _numWords = 0
var _numSentences = 0
var _numLines = 0 # all lines, even blank
var _numBlankLines = 0
get numChars from var
get numWords from var
get numSentences from var
get numLines from var
get numBlankLines from var
def dump
print 'chars = [.numChars]'
print 'words = [.numWords]'
print 'sentences = [.numSentences]'
print 'lines = [.numLines]'
print 'blank lines = [.numBlankLines]'
def countText(text as String) as WordCounter
Counts the chars, words, etc. of any arbitrary string.
text = text.replace('\r\n', '\n') # windows
text = text.replace('\r', '\n') # mac
for line in text.split(c'\n')
return this
def countLine(line as String) as WordCounter
Counts a single line of text.
_numChars += line.length
line = line.trim
_numLines += 1
if not line.length
_numBlankLines += 1
while '..' in line
line = line.replace('..', '.') # so '...' does not make for 3 sentences
while '!!' in line
line = line.replace('!!', '!')
while '??' in line
line = line.replace('??', '?')
_numSentences += _countChars(line, c'.') + _countChars(line, c'!') + _countChars(line, c'?')
_numWords += line.split(nil).length
return this
def countTextReader(tr as TextReader) as WordCounter
while true
line = tr.readLine
if line, .countLine(line)
else, break
return this
def countFileNamed(fileName as String) as WordCounter
using tr = File.openText(fileName)
return this
def reset
_numChars = 0
_numWords = 0
_numSentences = 0
_numLines = 0
_numBlankLines = 0
def _countChars(s as String, c as char) as int
wc = WordCounter()
assert wc._countChars('', c'x')==0
assert wc._countChars('x', c'x')==1
assert wc._countChars('X', c'x')==0 # case sensitive
assert wc._countChars(' ! ! ', c'!')==2
count = 0
for ch in s, if c==ch, count += 1
return count
def main
args = CobraCore.commandLineArgs
if args.count < 2
print ns'usage: wordcount FILES'
wc = WordCounter()
for fileName in args[1:]
print '[fileName]:'