
Ticket #210 (assigned defect)

Opened 15 years ago

Last modified 12 years ago

Spaces after tabs should be allowed for implicit as well as explicit line continuation.

Reported by: nevdelap Owned by: Chuck
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: Cobra Compiler Version: 0.8.0
Keywords: Cc:


Space after tabs is not allowed in implicit line continuation and so currently requires the workaround of using explicit line continuation for vertical alignment where it needn't be.

Test case: (Note: code doesn't display as intended here. Ok copied to editor with tabs=4)

class X

	def foo(i as int, j as int) as int
		return i + j

	def main
		trace .foo(1, 2)
		trace .foo(1,
		trace .foo(1,
test.cobra(11): error: test.cobra(11,1): error: Cannot mix tabs and
spaces in indentation. [TAB][TAB][TAB][TAB][SPACE][SPACE][SPACE]...


line-cont-plus-spaces.patch Download (6.6 KB) - added by hopscc 12 years ago.

Change History

Changed 15 years ago by hopscc

see also ticket:112 and ticket:116

Changed 12 years ago by hopscc

Fix for line contin whitespace - treat same as explicit contin char in tokeniser but use a slightly different table than the Parser one.

Still allows back indent - perhaps we shouldnt but theres a largish number of tests that do this.

New test file and uncomment existing tests for indent that use both tabs and spaces.

Ticket:116 is closed. Think this should address whats left of ticket:112 also so it can be closed when this one is as well.

Changed 12 years ago by hopscc

Changed 12 years ago by hopscc

  • owner set to Chuck
  • status changed from new to assigned

Changed 12 years ago by Charles

In the patch, CobraTokenizer's list of continuation ops is duplicated from the parser with 3 changes:

  • Added COMMA
  • Removed GT and DOUBLE_GT

I presume the parser doesn't need the COMMA because that situation is handled elsewhere.

What is the implication of not having GT and DOUBLE_GT in the tokenizer's list? That something like < or + will work, but > will not?

Btw you don't have to repeat the class name for shared members:

# in CobraParser:
if .peek.which == 'EOL' and opToken.which in CobraParser.implicitContinuationOps 
# can be:
if .peek.which == 'EOL' and opToken.which in .implicitContinuationOps 

# in CobraTokenizer:
_implicitLineContinuation = .lastToken and .lastToken.which in CobraTokenizer.implicitContinuationOps
# can be:
_implicitLineContinuation = .lastToken and .lastToken.which in .implicitContinuationOps

Note to self: workspace-v

Changed 12 years ago by hopscc

Yah - think thats the case - Parser handles comma elsewhere, lexer check needs it explicitly ( like for continued/multiline method calls).

Right, Needed to drop GT and DOUBLE_GT from lexer list cos it gets seriously confounded with generic decls. I figured the loss of accepting lines ending in a GT-than comparison was an acceptable tradeoff for the moment.

I realise the class name on static is unnecessary but I try to write static method access via an explicit classname as an indicator/reminder that its a shared method access rather than an instance.

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