
Ticket #225 (assigned enhancement)

Opened 15 years ago

Last modified 15 years ago

Support ganged or multivalue Cmdline Option with subOptions

Reported by: hopscc Owned by: Chuck
Priority: medium Milestone:
Component: Cobra Compiler Version: 0.8.0
Keywords: Cc:


Some commandline options provide multiple tweaks around a single item (e.g testify-threads, testify-runner, testify-results affecting -testify).

It would be convenient if rather than having multiple individual options for things like this we could specify a single option and provide a set of subOptions within it explicitly tying the subOptions to a single item
(also supporting defaulting and convenient ganged settings)

Useful also for setting things like metrics (enabling) and list of metrics (to be calculated) and arg provided to each metric to be done (threshold value).
see  Code Metrics Discussion


cmdline-subOpts.patch Download (24.7 KB) - added by hopscc 15 years ago.

Change History

Changed 15 years ago by hopscc

Changed 15 years ago by hopscc

  • status changed from new to assigned
  • owner set to Chuck

Heres a patch for cmdline subOpts and mods of testify-* options to use -testifyArgs
with possible subOptions resultsFile, numThreads, runner.
Rel Note but no new tests. existing suites work as before for both single and multithread cases (testifyArgs:numThreads=2).

Changed 15 years ago by hopscc

In the patch in Commandline.cobra ignore/elide/remove the new 'metrics' cmdline arg optionSpec clause... Its for a follow-on still partially baked enhancement...

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