
Ticket #300 (new enhancement)

Opened 12 years ago

Last modified 12 years ago

allow to chain a few exceptions with a single body

Reported by: kobi7 Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: Cobra Compiler Version: 0.8.0
Keywords: Cc:


<kobi7> can I chain a few exceptions with a single body?
<kobi7> catch SysException? | XException | YException
<kobi7> body of catch statement, that fits all of them
<CobraCommander> nope they have to be separate catches
<kobi7> in that case, the body is duplicated
<CobraCommander> you could break it out to a separate method
<CobraCommander> also in the case of "catch x as SysException? | XException | YException" there is the question of what type to give to "x"
<kobi7> ofcourse. I saw that syntax in a java proposal, maybe it got to java7. thought it's a nice addition
<CobraCommander> so i presume you can use methods on "ex" that the two types have in common, but they don't spell that out and they don't show an example
<CobraCommander> also since .net doesn't have this feature, we'd have to map it. presumably by generating each "catch" block on behalf of the programmer
<CobraCommander> I guess the type of "ex" could be the greatest common denominator of all the types
<CobraCommander> the Cobra compiler already has code to compute such a thing because it is used in other places, like inferring the inner type of a list literal
<CobraCommander> if you don't want me to lose track of this idea, fill out a ticket at the cobra web site. :-)

Change History

Changed 12 years ago by kobi7

note: the exception types have to comply with the usage (in the following block of code).
otherwise, it is a compiler error.

if the implementation is to create the same code and duplicate the catch statements, then this will come to light anyway.

Changed 12 years ago by Charles

The Cobra compiler would do the error checking before the code generation. Plus the code generation for the JVM back-end would be different anyway.

Anyway treating the type as the GCD of all the types should work just fine.

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