
Ticket #381 (assigned idea)

Opened 10 years ago

Last modified 10 years ago

Is this Language Dead?

Reported by: pyros2097 Owned by: Charles
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: Cobra Compiler Version: 0.8.0
Keywords: Cc:


Well I would like to know if you are still developing on this to make it production ready and release a version 1.0?

Change History

Changed 10 years ago by Charles

  • status changed from new to assigned
  • owner set to pyros2097

Dead and alive are not the only choices. I would choose "stalled".

Also, have you used Cobra? What problems, if any, did you encounter?

Changed 10 years ago by pyros2097

I had used it to create an IDE for Cobra using mono and gtk looked a lot like monodevelop or XCode. But then I abandoned it as I didn't get enough time and went on with creating an IDE/Studio for libgdx in Java Swing. Cobra is a very good language which has many things I wanted in a programming language which many languages don't have like contracts,events,link libs directly in you main file, things like that make development a lot easier. But since it was tied to .Net/Mono? environment it became a hassle for building packages and porting to other OS's. But now I was looking into compiled languages that are becoming popular these days like Go, Crystal, Orange, Pony And Pony seemed to be somewhat like Cobra.

Anyway I was planning to mirror the source code to github so that I would have a reference on this language.In case maybe in the future I might be creating a programming language. I wanted to keep that as a reference. So even if is stalled it would be good it you made an organization and put the source, documentation over there so that It would be useful for people to directly read the source and get some ideas. I'm also going to try to convert the svn project to git.

Changed 10 years ago by pyros2097

PS: This seemed to be another language for the JVM which was stalled and now is back alive.
and it seems I can't edit my post the link is this

Changed 10 years ago by Charles

Thanks for the info.

The Cobra code is not going to disappear.

Changed 10 years ago by Charles

  • owner changed from pyros2097 to Charles
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