
Ticket #81 (new enhancement)

Opened 16 years ago

Library: Operating system sniffer

Reported by: Chuck Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: Cobra Compiler Version: 0.8.0
Keywords: Cc:


Create an operating system sniffer that comes back with info like "Mac OS X", "10.4.3" or "CentOS", "5.1" etc. This would be a library call like CobraCore.probeOperatingSystem.

Environment.osVersion tells me my mac box is "Unix" which is less informative if I'm looking at output from someone else's system.

This sniffer would get invoked when running "cobra -v"

Properties of the result could include .brand "Apple", .name "Mac OS X", .version "10.4.11", .systemVersion "" and .family "Unix". Also, .subversion for Windows ("SP2") and anything else appropriate.

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