Cobra support is not yet intrinsic to the installation from the codelite website - we're working on that.
The attached files below provide partial support in CodeLite-1.0.3035 for cobra language development.
These files (possibly more recently upated) are also on the mercurial code repository bitbucket stored in hops cobra code repository for codelite1
These files have been tried on CodeLite-2 without much success.
What is supported
- Syntax colorization
- Project Templates for debug, release and turbo builds of
- Console: Simple cobra executable
- User Templates: cobra executable
- User Templates: cobra library
- User Templates: cobra executable with embedded runtime
- cobra builds, build error capture and parsing.
- running the executable made
What is not supported (yet)
- Code structure browser
- Tags-like capability
- word and call completion (intellisense)
- Debugger/debugging
- Installed version of the cobra compiler installation.
Specifically you will need to know the path to the compiler executable cobra.exe
- gzipped tar dearchiver ( gzip, gnu tar, 7-zip, winRar)
- Download an installation binary for version 1.0.35 from the CodeLite website.
- Install it and take note of the installation directory
- Download and Dearchive (untar) the files from the attachment below to a local dir.
Copy the files and directories under the newly created root dir 'codelite-1.0.35-cobra'
to the root of the codelite installation directory.
Currently these are multiple files under three directories
- config
- templates
- lexer
- Most of the files are additional to the default codelite installation except for files in config. These copies replace the existing files in the installed config directory (they should be a superset). If you are feeling paranoid you might want to backup the originals before the copy.
- Run codelite - select menubar 'Settings' item 'BuildSettings'.
In the popup dialog that appears you should see a box on the left hand side containing a possibly expanded entry for Cobra.
- You now need to tell codelite the path to the cobra compiler.
- In the above dialog (menubar 'Settings'/'Build Settings...' under the cobra Tree entry click on 'Tools' The rhs of the dialog will show a form the top line of which has an entry 'Compiler Name: C:\path\to\cobra.exe' Change the path to that of your cobra compiler (fwd or back slashes are equally recognised). Press 'OK' btn to save the change.
- Select from MenuBar menu 'Settings'/'Environment Variables...'. edit the cobrac entry to specify the full path to the cobra compiler and save your changes.
Tested On
Installation Tested on Windows (XP-pre SP3).
- Workspace/New? Project
select type of cobra project from templates given and enter project name and path to your project directory and press OK.
- In the generated project tree select the project name and add (existing) or create your cobra sources.
- You;ll notice that where theres a 'resources' virtual dir made for a project theres a file 'build-file' which is a build-list file for the cobra compiler
unfortunately currently you have to maintain the contents of this yourself as we cant get hold of codelites sourcelist. Just add filename entries to it as you add/create your source files.
- Project Menu or keyboard to compile a single file or build all the files in a directory. Build output/errors etc should appear in the 'Output panel'
Building Cobra
As a bonus for cobra developers the second attached file 'cobrac-workspace.tar.gz' is a workspace for building cobra.
(on bitbucket its the files in the ./codelite directory)
See details at CodeliteCobraWorkspace.
(11.2 KB) - added by hopscc 15 years ago.
(16.6 KB) - added by hopscc 15 years ago.