Gtk Simple Window
The simplest Gtk program displays a window which closes when told to.
The following program is in two parts:
- The class MyWindow will be the main window for the application. MyWindow inherits from the Gtk Window class, and the init method initialises its parent with the given title.
- .setDefaultSize is called to create a sensible size for the window
- listen is used to attach a method to the deleteEvent, called when the user clicks the close window button.
- The main method in MainProgram goes through four stages to create and display a Gtk application:
- start the graphical application
- create an instance of the main window
- request all widgets in the main window to show themselves
- finally, run the graphical application
# @args -pkg:gtk-sharp-2.0 # remove initial '#' use Gtk class MyWindow inherits Window def onDeleteEvent(obj, args as DeleteEventArgs) """ This method is tied to the deleteEvent, and is called when the close button is clicked. It causes the application to quit. """ Application.quit cue init(title as String) # pass the title to the parent window base.init(title) # set a size for our window .setDefaultSize(300, 200) # register method to handle the close event listen .deleteEvent, ref .onDeleteEvent class MainProgram def main # initialise the application Application.init # create an instance of our main window window = MyWindow("Cobra's First Window") # show all the widgets within the window window.showAll # start running the application
(7.3 KB) - added by callisto 13 years ago.