Version 6 (modified by pyros2097, 12 years ago)

untie should use ignore statement not listen


Raises an event which will directly notify any listeners for that event. An event can only be raised for the same class and the same instance.

The number and types of args given in the raise statement must match those declared in the sig used as the type for the event being raised with two exceptions:

  1. The sender which is always this should not be specified.
  2. The event arguments object can be left out if you are happy with a default instantiation.

This will become more clear in the examples below.

See also Listen and Ignore.


raise <event> [ [,<source>] ,<arg> [,<arg> ...]]

In an attempt to default the most common case, if the number of arg parameters is one less than the number in the sig
and the first arg is not this
then this will be implicitly passed as the source (first arg).

If an event has been declared with a no param signature then neither <source> nor <event-args> can or need be given as args to the raise call.

sig NoArgEventHandler                    # no parameters
event notifyEvent as NoArgEventHandler   # is public
raise .notifyEvent


use System.Windows.Forms

        button = Button(parent=p, autoSize=true, text='One', tag=1)
        # connect event and handling code
        listen, ref .clickHandler
        # trigger the button programatically
        raise, EventArgs()
        # disconnect event and its handling code
        ignore, ref .clickHandler
def clickHandler(source as Object, args as EventArgs)

Full example with augmented EventArg, signature and event declarations, convenience method to raise the event, event handlers/listeners

# EventArgs subclass to pass additional info in args
class BEventArgs inherits EventArgs
    var _value as int

    get value from var
    def init(val as int)
        _value = val

# delegate for ActionEvent  <eventName>EventHandler
sig ActionEventHandler(sender as Object, args as EventArgs)

class Generator
    var _count = 0 
        """local state"""
    # event dcl for event called Action
    # event <eventName>Event as <sigName> (<eventName>EventHandler)    
    event actionEvent as ActionEventHandler

    # (protected) method to raise/fire the event for this class 
    # {on,fire}<eventName>Event
    def _onActionEvent(args as EventArgs)      # fireActionEvent
        raise .actionEvent, args

    def bump
        _count += 1 
        if _count % 20 == 0
            ev = BEventArgs(_count)

class Listener
    # the event handler method do<eventName>
    def doAction(source as Object, args as BEventArgs)
        print 'Event from [source] - argCount is [args.count]'
class RaiseDriver
    def main is shared
        g = Generator()
        l = Listener()
        #tie the generator event to the Listener method
        listen g.actionEvent, ref l.doAction

        for i in 100

        #untie the event and listener
        ignore g.actionEvent, ref l.doAction

No Arg event, No args passed to raise.

# delegate with no args for notifyActionEvent  <eventName>EventHandler
sig NoArgEventHandler

class Generator
    var _count = 0 
        """local state"""
    # event dcl for event called Action
    # event <eventName>Event as <sigName> (<eventName>EventHandler)    
    event notifyActionEvent as NoArgEventHandler

    # (protected) method to raise/fire the event for this class 
    # {on,fire}<eventName>Event
    def _onNotifyActionEvent
        raise .notifyActionEvent

    def bump
        _count += 1 
        if _count % 20 == 0, _onNotifyActionEvent

class Listener
    # the event handler method do<eventName>
    def doNotifyAction
        print 'NotifyAction Event received'
class RaiseDriver
    def main is shared
        g = Generator()
        l = Listener()
        #tie the generator event to the Listener method
        listen g.notifyActionEvent, ref l.doNotifyAction

        for i in 100

        #untie the event and listener
        ignore g.notifyActionEvent, ref l.doNotifyAction


In C#, the programmer must first check if the event is null before invoking it. This is not necessary in Cobra where raise .someEvent ... is all that is required.

See Also