
Ticket #17 (closed task: fixed)

Opened 17 years ago

Last modified 11 years ago

MSBuild support

Reported by: Chuck Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: Cobra IDE: Miscellaneous Version: 0.8.0
Keywords: Cc:


Implement MSBuild support. This is needed by both Visual Studio and #develop. (It might also be used by MonoDevelop. I haven't checked.)

Change History

Changed 17 years ago by hopscc

Presumably the minimal step for this is to implement a 'Cobra' (msbuild) task
(possibly as a cobra coded dll).

support properties for all the cobra compiler switches and args

Optionally provide a sample msbuild (project) file showing how it would be used to generate some output built from (single or multiple) cobra source files.

Optionally provide some doc also on use and how to setup msbuild locally to automatically include/provide/support the cobra task.

Changed 17 years ago by hopscc

google search 'msbuild' ( includes msbuild on  wikipedia )

 msoft msbuild
 msBuild FAQ Tasks
 msBuild New Task

Changed 14 years ago by Charles

You can use msbuild ("xbuild") with Cobra even if you have not defined a custom "Cobra" task. See the MsxBuild page for information.

Changed 11 years ago by nerdzero

Can we close this ticket or do we want any other targets implemented right now?

Changed 11 years ago by Charles

  • status changed from new to closed
  • resolution set to fixed

I'm closing it. We have msbuild support now thanks to you and we can add new tickets for any specific targets or issues that come up.

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