
Ticket #241 (new defect)

Opened 15 years ago

Last modified 15 years ago

-test tests runtime with -ert

Reported by: Kurper Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: Cobra Compiler Version: 0.8.0
Keywords: Cc:


1. write some code with tests
2. cobra -test code.cobra runs only those tests
3. cobra -test code.cobra -ert also runs 20 Cobra runtime tests, which clog up the output window.

-ert does not change the output of the program. Running the tests but suppressing their output would be fine.

Oh no, it's running a bunch of tests I didn't write! Now I have to read a bunch more to find where my errors are!

Change History

Changed 15 years ago by hopscc

dup ticket:7

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