
Ticket #333 (new defect)

Opened 12 years ago

Implementing ITestRunListener is a little awkward

Reported by: nerdzero Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: Cobra Compiler Version: 0.9.4
Keywords: tests Cc:


This is nothing major. Just thought I would bring it up. It can be closed as "won't fix" and it wouldn't bother me :)

I've been playing around with a custom test runner and listener for the MonoDevelop add-in and noticed that the interface suffers from some name collisions.

The abstract 'Test' class is in a 'Test' namespace which means the implementing class must qualify the parameter typename as 'Test.Test'.

You cannot just 'use Cobra.Core.Test' because then 't as Test' doesn't resolve to the class name.

Also, should the methods 'testStarted' and 'testEnded' be accepting 't as ITest' instead? What about 'suiteStarted' and 'suiteEnded'?

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