

CodeLite is a multiplatform IDE for C/C++ with some support for other languages.
See the  CodeLite web site for details.

Some support is available as an addon to CodeLite-1.0.3035 with the insertion of the provided Codelite1 config files laid onto a clean installation.

Somewhat more support is available for CodeLite2 (for 2.0.3365) with a similar addon of Codelite2 config files.

A  mercurial tree of these configurations and notes is available on  bitbucket The repository root is at  bitbucket/hops/cobra

See also the CodeLite Workspace (directory of workspace, project and support files) for building the cobra compiler under CodeLite described at CodeliteCobraWorkspace.

See also: IDESupport, EditorSupport, DebuggingTopics