This is how we create a node view in cobra Just run: cobra nodeview.cobra This was taken from the mono Gtk samples
use System use Gtk #uncomment the below line because it doesn't show properly in this wiki #@args -pkg:gtk-sharp-2.0 class MyTreeNode inherits TreeNode has TreeNode(listOnly=true) var artist as String has TreeNodeValue(column=0) var songTitle as String has TreeNodeValue(column=1) cue init(artist,song_title) base.init .artist = artist .songTitle = song_title def main is shared has STAThread Application.init store = NodeStore(MyTreeNode("", "").typeOf) store.addNode(MyTreeNode("The Beatles", "Yesterday")) view = NodeView(store) view.appendColumn("Artist", CellRendererText(), "text", 0) view.appendColumn("Song Title", CellRendererText(), "text", 1) win = Window("node") listen win.deleteEvent, ref .quit win.add(view) win.showAll store.addNode(MyTreeNode("The Beatles", "Yesterday")) store.addNode(MyTreeNode("The Beatles", "Yesterday")) def quit(sender ,e) is shared Application.quit