Library Topics
- LibraryTopicsIndex
- Libraries in Cobra - Making and using.
Library-related Wiki Pages
- StandardLibraryExtensionMethods
- PrimitiveTypeMembers
- VisitorPattern
- MultidimensionalArray (+)
- Set
- Pair
- StringBuilder
- DllImport (+)
- GUIDevelopment
- SerialPort
Key Classes at MSDN
Searching for information on libraries
- You can search this wiki using the search box in the upper right.
- You can search the forums (currently a separate search).
- Cobra currently runs on .NET/Mono which means that you can often search for the web for phrases like "C# parse xml" and find an example that you can readily adapt to your code. Or search for ""msdn SomeClass someMethod" and find the reference information for a method.
Reading Source
Cobra's standard library is a small set of additions on top of .NET/Mono. You can browse the source code in CobraWorkspace/Source/Cobra.Core.
How To
The HowToPrograms show some of the library calls you will use when coding.
See Also
- RelatedProjects - typically implemented in Cobra
- DotNetProjects - any project related to .NET/Mono
- LanguageTopics
- WebDevelopment